Участник:BOT Purple: различия между версиями

Материал из SS220 Paradise EX
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==Лазерное Оружие==
{{multiple image
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width="80%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #ff9999;"
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| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Object
| footer = Питание
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage Type
| image1 = HUD-Hunger.png|50px
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage
| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Location
По мере того как вы идете и двигаетесь по станции, ваш стартовый статус питания начнет падает от стартового зеленого цвета до темно-красного. Следует отметить, что пища содержит питательную ценность, которая отличается от полноты и будет влиять на то, сколько ваш статус получает от пищи, которую вы потребляете. Нездоровая пища, закуски торгового автомата, наполнит вас и не позволит вам съесть что-нибудь еще, но не заполнит ваш параметр питания так же быстро, как еда от шеф-повара, и будет убывать быстрее. Чтобы правильно накормить себя, здоровая еда от шеф-повара поможет вам быстрее всего питаться и не переполнять желудок. Полный статус питания - это хороший полный синий цвет. Полноценное питание имеет много положительных эффектов, таких как восстановление здоровья, здоровые реагенты остаются в вашем теле дольше, восстановление крови и токсины быстрее выводятся из вашей системы. Ваша скорость движения также находится на максимуме, в то время как при полном голоде, в то время как голодание даст гораздо более медленную скорость.
| class="unsortable"                       | Description
В торговом автомате Booze-O-Mat можно приобрести алкогольные и безалкогольные напитки в банках, бутылках или кувшинах. В баре есть один из них,в то время как старый бар в обслуживании поставляется с неработающим, который вам нужно будет исправить, чтобы обойтись без него. Эти машины могут быть изменены или построены помощью блока с правильным видом товара, напечатанным из отдела исследований, и запасной частью, заказанной из [[Снабжение|отдела снабжения]].
Товары, которые есть в the Booze-O-Mat:
{| class="wikitable" style="border: 3px solid #BADDFF;" valign="top"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Изображение
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Предмет
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Реагент
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Описание
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Ginbottle.png]]
|Griffeater Gin
|Бутылка высококачественного Джина, произведенного на новой лондонской космической станции.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Whiskeybottle.png]]
|Uncle Git's Special Reserve
|Премиальный односолодовый виски, мягко выдержанный в туннелях ядерного убежища. '''ПРАВИЛА ТУННЕЛЬНОГО ВИСКИ'''.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Tequilabottle.png]]
|Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequila
|Изготовлен из высококачественных нефтяных дистиллятов, чистого талидомида и других высококачественных ингредиентов!
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Vodkabottle.png]]
|Tunguska Triple Distilled
|Аах, водка. Лучший выбор напитков и топлива для россиян во всем мире.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Vermouthbottle.png]]
|Goldeneye Vermouth
|Сладкая, сладкая сухость~
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Rumbottle.png]]
|Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum
|Это не просто ром, О нет. Это практически ГРИФФ в бутылке.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Winebottle.png]]
|Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine
|Слабая аура беспокойства, и она же окружает бутылку.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Cognacbottle.png]]
|Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac
|Сладкий и сильно алкогольный напиток, приготовленный после многочисленных перегонок и многолетнего созревания. Вы могли бы также не кричать «ЩИТСЕКИ» на этот раз.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Kahluabottle.png]]
|Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur
|Широко известный мексиканский ликер со вкусом кофе. В производстве с 1936 года, '''ХОНК'''.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Beer.png]]
|Space Beer
|Содержит только воду, солод и хмель.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Alebottle.png]]
|Настоящий напиток Дорфа.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Synthanolcan.png]]
|Beep's Classic Synthanol
|Банка спиртного для роботов. ''('''Примечание''': это алкогольный эквивалент для роботов. Он токсичен для органических видов.)''
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Orangejuice.png]]
|Orange Juice
|Orange Juice
|Полный витаминов и вкусностей!
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Tomatojuice.png]]
|Tomato Juice
|Tomato Juice
|Ну, по крайней мере, это ПОХОЖЕ на томатный сок. Вы не можете сказать этого со всей этой краснотой. ''(Можно перепутать с кровью)''
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Limejuice.png]]
|Lime Juice
|Lime Juice
|Кисло-сладкий вкус.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Cream.png]]
|Milk Cream
|Это сливки. Сделано из молока. А что еще, по-твоему, ты здесь найдешь?
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Tonic.png]]
|T-Borg's Tonic Water
|Tonic Water
|Хинин имеет странный вкус, но, по крайней мере, он убережет от космической малярии.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Cola.png]]
|Space Cola
|Кола. В космосе.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Sodawater.png]]
|Soda Water
|Soda Water
|Банка содовой воды. Все-таки вода более освежает кузена.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Glass2.png]]
|Стакан, используется, чтобы налить напитки. Он вмещает до 50 единиц напитка. Он изменит спрайты, если вы сделаете рецепт напитка до тех пор, пока напиток не будет закончен. Затем он вернется в первоначальное состояние.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Shotglass.png]]
|Shot Glass
|Рюмка, которая может вместить до 15 единиц напитка. Все содержимое стакана будет использовано за раз. Этот спрайт не изменится, когда вы сделаете рецепт напитка.
! style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Icecup.png]]
|Ice Cup
|Осторожно, лед холодный, не жуй.
В баре есть еще два раздатчика: для спиртного и для газировки. Они содержат вышеперечисленные реагенты и многое другое, что может быть использовано в рецептах напитков. Их можно взломать, чтобы выявить больше реагентов для использования, используя на них мультитул.
===Booze Portal 9001===
Это также известно как распределитель выпивки. В начале смены он находится внутри бара, за стойкой бармена, поскольку он обслуживается барменом. Это следующие вещи, которые машина дозирует:
<b>Нормальные Напитки</b>
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| style="width: 0px;" class="unsortable" |
|- style="text-align: center; background-color: #B4FFA5; color: black;"
<b>Взломанные Напитки</b>
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align: center; width: 60%; background-color: #ffffff;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #000000; color: white;"
| style="width: 0px;" class="unsortable" |
|- style="text-align: center; background-color: #B4FFA5; color: black;"
*<b>Вы можете получить взломанные напитки, применив мультитул к раздатчику для напитков.</b>
Бутылочная машина (Bottler), которую вы можете заказать в отделе снабжения. Эта машина позволяет вам поместить в машину три ингредиента в указанном порядке и создать напиток, который будет храниться либо в бутылке, стакане, либо в банке. Вам потребуется помощь Ботанического и других отделов, чтобы сделать эти напитки. Эти напитки обладают дополнительными эффектами, которых нет у обычных напитков, но вам придется поэкспериментировать с ними самостоятельно, чтобы выяснить, что каждый из них делает.
'''Порядок ингредиентов очень важен.'''
'''Рецепты Бутылочника'''
{| class="wikitable" width="100%" valign="top"
|Apple, Apple, Apple
|Если бы Судный день проходил в виде фруктов, то это, вероятно, были бы яблоки.
!Berry Banned
|Berries, Berries, Berries
|Причина бана: чрезмерный аромат.
!Berry Banned
|Poison Berries, Poison Berries, Poison Berries
|Причина бана: чрезмерный аромат.
!Blackeye Brew
|Cola, Sugar Cane, Ice Cream
|Сливочный, мягкий вкус, совсем как у лысых голов. Предположительно в возрасте 30 лет.
!Grape Granade
|Grape Juice, Grapes, Flash
|Взрывается с виноградным ароматом и является фаворитом среди членов ERT по всей системе.
!Meteor Malt
|Wheat, Unrefined Ore, Unrefined Ore
|Безалкогольные напитки были обнаружены на пути столкновения с вашими вкусовыми рецепторами.
!Paradise Punch
|Grapes, Banana, Cherries
|Вкус именно такой, как вы думаете, Рай будет, если вы сможете разлить его по бутылкам.
===Алкогольные напитки===
{| cellspacing="10"<!-- This table is for seperating the two halves. -->
| valign="top" |
{| class="wikitable" style="border: 3px solid #BADDFF;"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Изображение
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Ингредиенты
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:AcidSpit.png]]
|Acid Spit
|5 part Wine, 1 part Sulphuric Acid
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:AlliesCocktail.png]]
|Allies Cocktail
|1 part Classic Martini, 1 part Vodka
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Aloe.png]]
|1 part Watermelon Juice, 1 part Milk Cream, 1 part Whiskey
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Amasec.png]]
|1 part Iron, 1 part Wine, 1 part Vodka
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Andalusia.png]]
|1 part Rum, 1 part Whiskey, 1 part Lemon Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:antifreezeglass.png]]
|2 part Vodka, 1 part Cream, 1 part Ice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:cognac.png]]
|2 part cider cooled to 270 K
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Atomicbombglass.gif]]
|Atomic Bomb
|10 part B-52, 1 part Uranium
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:B-52.png]]
|1 part Irish cream, 1 part Kahlua, 1 part cognac
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Bahamamamaglass.png]]
|Bahama Mama
|2 part Rum, 2 part Orange Juice, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part ice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Barefoot.png]]
|1 part Cream, 1 part Vermouth, 1 part Berry Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:BeepskySmash.gif]]
|Beepsky Smash
|2 part Lime Juice, 2 part Whiskey, 1 part Iron
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Bilk.png]]
|1 part Beer, 1 part Milk
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:BlackRussian.png]]
|Black Russian
|3 part Vodka, 2 part Kahlua
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:BloodyMary.png]]
|Bloody Mary
|1 part Vodka, 2 part Tomato Juice, 1 part Lime Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Boogerglass.png]]
|1 part Cream, 1 part Banana Juice, 1 part Rum, 1 part Watermelon Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:BraveBull.png]]
|Brave Bull
|2 part Tequila, 1 part Kahlua
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:ChangelingSting.png]]
|Changeling Sting
|1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Lemon Juice, 1 part Screwdriver
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:ClassicMartini.png]]
|Classic Martini
|2 part Gin, 1 part Vermouth
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:CubaLibre.png]]
|Cuba Libre
|2 part Rum, 2 part Cola, 1 part Lime Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Demonsbloodglass.gif]]
|Demons Blood
|1 part Space Mountain Wind, 1 part Rum, 1 part Blood, 1 part Dr. Gibb
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:DevilsKiss.png]]
|Devil's Kiss
|1 part Blood, 1 part Rum, 1 part Kahlua
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Driest Martini.png]]
|Driest Martini
|1 part Nothing, 1 part Gin
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Drunkenblumpkin.png]]
|Drunken Blumpkin
|1 part Blumpkin Juice, 1 part Ice, 1 part Irish Cream
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Eggnog.png]]
|5 part Cream, 5 part Egg, 5 part Rum
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:ErikaSurprise.png]]
|Erika Surprise
|1 part Ale, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Whiskey, 1 part Ice, 1 part Banana Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Flamingmoe.gif]]
|Flaming Moe
|1 part Cognac, 1 part Gin, 1 part Saline-Glucose Solution, 1 part Tequila, 1 part Vodka, Temperature 374k
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[file:GinFizz.png]]
|Gin Fizz
|2 part Gin, 1 part Soda Water, 1 part Lime Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:GinSonic.png]]
|Gin and Sonic
|1 part Gin and Tonic, 1 part Methamphetamine
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:GinTonic.png]]
|Gin and Tonic
|2 part Gin, 1 part Tonic
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Goldschlagerglass.png]]
|10 part Vodka, 1 part Gold
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Grog.png]]
|1 part Water, 1 part Rum
| valign="top" |
{| class="wikitable" style="border: 3px solid #BADDFF;"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Изображение
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Ингредиенты
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:HippiesDelight.png]]
|Hippie's Delight
|1 part Psilocybin, 1 part Gargle Blaster
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:IcedBeer.png]]
|Iced Beer
|10 part Beer + 1 part Frost Oil ''OR''  5 part Beer + 1 part Ice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Irish Car Bomb.png]]
|Irish Car Bomb
|1 part Irish Cream, 1 part Ale
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:IrishCoffee.png]]
|Irish Coffee
|2 part Irish cream, 2 part Coffee
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:IrishCream.png]]
|Irish Cream
|2 part Whiskey, 1 part Cream
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Patronglass.png]]
|4 part applejack, 1 part lemon juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:LongIslandIcedTea.png]]
|Long Island Iced Tea
|1 part Vodka, 1 part Gin, 1 part Cuba Libre, 1 part Tequila
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Manhattan.png]]
|2 part Whiskey, 1 part Vermouth
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Manhattanprojglass.gif]]
|Manhattan Project
|10 part Manhattan, 1 part Uranium
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Margarita.png]]
|2 part Tequila, 1 part Lime Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Mead.png]]
|1 part Sugar, 1 part Water, 1 part Universal Enzymes
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Mojito.png]]
|1 part Rum, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Soda Water
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Neurotoxin.png]]
|1 part Ether, 1 part Gargle Blaster
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:GargleBlaster.gif]]
|Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster
|1 part Gin, 1 part Vodka, 1 part Whiskey, 1 part Cognac, 1 part Lime Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Patronglass.png]]
|10 part Tequila, 1 part Silver
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:RedMead.png]]
|Red Mead
|1 part Mead, 1 part Blood
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Sbiten.png]]
|1 part Vodka, 1 part Capsaicin
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Screwdriver.png]]
|2 part Vodka, 1 part Orange Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:singuloglass.gif]]
|5 part Vodka, 1 part Radium, 5 part Wine.
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:SnowWhite.png]]
|Snow White
|1 part Beer, 1 part Lemon Lime
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:suicider.png]]
|1 part Cider, 1 part Vodka, 1 part Welding Fuel, 1 part Epinephrine
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:SyndicateBomb.png]]
|Syndicate Bomb
|1 part Whiskey Cola, 1 part Beer
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:TequillaSunrise.png]]
|Tequilla Sunrise
|2 part Tequila, 1 part Orange Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:ManlyDorf.png]]
|The Manly Dorf
|1 part Beer, 2 part Ale
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:threemileislandglass.png]]
|Three Mile Island Iced Tea
|10 part "Long Island Iced Tea", 1 part Uranium
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:ToxinsSpecial.gif]]
|Toxins Special
|2 part Rum, 1 part Vermouth, 2 part Plasma
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:VodkaMartini.png]]
|Vodka Martini
|2 part Vodka, 1 part Vermouth
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[file:VodkaTonic.png]]
|Vodka and Tonic
|2 part Vodka, 1 part Tonic
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:WhiskeyCola.png]]
|Whiskey Cola
|2 part Whiskey, 1 part Cola
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:WhiskeySoda.png]]
|Whiskey Soda
|2 part Whiskey, 1 part Soda Water
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:WhiteRussian.png]]
|White Russian
|1 Black Russian, 1 part Cream
===Напитки на основе синтанола===
{| cellspacing="10"<!-- This table is for seperating the two halves. -->
| valign="top" |
{| class="wikitable" style="border: 3px solid #BADDFF;"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Изображение
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Ингредиенты
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Robot_Tears.png]]
|Robot Tears
|1 part Synthanol, 1 part Soda Water, 1 part Oil
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Servo_drink.png]]
|2 part Synthanol, 1 part Hot Chocolate, 1 part Cream
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Synthignion_drink.png]]
|1 part Synthanol, 1 part Wine
| valign="top" |
{| class="wikitable" style="border: 3px solid #BADDFF;"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Изображение
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Ингредиенты
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Synth_n_Soda_drink.png]]
|Synth 'n soda
|1 part Synthanol, 1 part Cola
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Trinary_drink.png]]
|1 part Synthanol, 1 part Orange Juice, 1 part Lime Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Uplink_drink.png]]
|1 part Synthanol, 1 part Rum, 1 part Vodka, 1 part Tequilla, 1 part Whiskey
===Безалкогольные напитки===
{| cellspacing="10"<!-- This table is for seperating the two halves. -->
| valign="top" |
{| class="wikitable" style="border: 3px solid #BADDFF;"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Изображение
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Ингредиенты
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:BananaHonk.png]]
|Banana Honk
|1 part Banana Juice, 1 part Milk Cream, 1 part Sugar
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Bluecherryshake.png]]
|Blue Cherry Shake
|1 part Blue Cherry Jelly, 1 part Cream, 1 part Ice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Brownstar.png]]
|Brown Star
|2 part Orange juice, 1 part cola
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Cafelatte.png]]
|Cafe Latte
|1 part Coffee, 1 part Space Milk
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Cafelatte.png]]
|Cafe Mocha
|1 part Cafe Latte, 1 part Chocolate
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Cherryshake.png]]
|Cherry Shake
|1 part Cherry Jelly, 1 part Cream, 1 part Ice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:chocolate.png]]
|Chocolate Milk
|1 part Milk, 1 part Chocolate
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Chocolatepudding.png]]
|Chocolate Pudding
|5 part Cocoa, 5 part Egg, 5part Milk
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Gibbfloats.png]]
|Gibb Floats
|5 part Cream, 5 part Dr. Gibb, 5 part Ice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Grapesoda.png]]
|Grape Soda
|1 part Grape Juice, 1 part Soda Water
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Icetea.png]]
|Iced Tea
|1 part Ice, 3 part Tea
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Icecoffeeglass.png]]
|Iced Coffee
|1 part Ice, 3 part Coffee
| valign="top" |
{| class="wikitable" style="border: 3px solid #BADDFF;"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Изображение
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Ингредиенты
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Kiraspecial.gif]]
|Kira Special
|1 part orange juice, 1 part lime juice, 1 part soda water
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Lemonade.png]]
|1 part Lemon juice, 1 part sugar, 1 part Water
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:milkshake.png]]
|1 part Cream, 2 part Space Milk, 2 part Ice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:nukacolaglass.gif]]
|Nuka Cola
|1 part Uranium, 6 part Cola
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Pumpkinlatte.png]]
|Pumpkin Space Latte
|5 part Coffee, 5 part Cream, 5 part Pumpkin Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Rewriter.png]]
|1 part Spacemoutainwind soda, 1 part Coffee
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Silencer.png]]
|1 part Nothing, 1 part Cream, 1 part Sugar
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:SoyLatte.png]]
|Soy Latte
|1 part Coffee, 1 part Soy Milk
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:DoctorDelight.gif]]
|The Doctor's Delight
|1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Tomato Juice, 1 part Orange Juice, 1 part Cream
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:triplecitrus.png]]
|Triple Citrus
|1 part Lemon Juice, 1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Orange Juice
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Vanillapudding.png]]
|Vanilla Pudding
|5 part Egg, 5 part Milk, 5 part Vanilla
===Напитки из ингредиентов с кухни===
{| cellspacing="10"<!-- This table is for seperating the two halves. -->
| valign="top" |
{| class="wikitable" style="border: 3px solid #BADDFF;"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Изображение
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Ингредиенты
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Beer.png]]
|Mix 10u {{Tooltip|[[#Corn Oil|Corn Oil]]|{{RecursiveFood/Corn Oil}}}}, 5u {{Tooltip|[[#Universal Enzyme|Universal Enzyme]]|{{RecursiveFood/Universal Enzyme}}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:icecoffeeglass.png]]
|Mix 1 Coffee Powder, 5u Water
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:cocoglass.png]]
|Hot Coco
|Mix 5u Cocoa, 5u Water
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:kahluaglass.png]]
|Mix 5u Coffee, 5u {{Tooltip|[[#Sugar|Sugar]]|{{RecursiveFood/Sugar}}}}, 5u Vodka or Rum, 5u {{Tooltip|[[#Universal Enzyme|Universal Enzyme]]|{{RecursiveFood/Universal Enzyme}}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:ginvodkaglass.png]]
|Mix 10u {{Tooltip|[[#Nutriment|Nutriment]]|{{RecursiveFood/Nutriment}}}}, 5u {{Tooltip|[[#Universal Enzyme|Universal Enzyme]]|{{RecursiveFood/Universal Enzyme}}}}
| valign="top" |
{| class="wikitable" style="border: 3px solid #BADDFF;"
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Изображение
! scope="col" style="background-color:#BADDFF;" |Ингредиенты
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:ginvodkaglass.png]]
|Mix 10u {{Tooltip|[[#Rice|Rice]]|{{RecursiveFood/Rice}}}}, 5u Water, 5u {{Tooltip|[[#Universal Enzyme|Universal Enzyme]]|{{RecursiveFood/Universal Enzyme}}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:icecoffeeglass.png]]
|Mix 1 Ground Tea Leaves, 5u Water
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:ginvodkaglass.png]]
|Mix 10u {{Tooltip|[[#Fruit and Vegetable Juices|Potato Juice]]|{{RecursiveFood/Fruit and Vegetable Juices}}}}, 5u {{Tooltip|[[#Universal Enzyme|Universal Enzyme]]|{{RecursiveFood/Universal Enzyme}}}}
! rowspan="2" style="background-color:#E3F3FF;" |[[File:Wineglass.png]]
|Mix 10u {{Tooltip|[[#Fruit and Vegetable Juices|Berry Juice]]|{{RecursiveFood/Fruit and Vegetable Juices}}}}, 5u {{Tooltip|[[#Universal Enzyme|Universal Enzyme]]|{{RecursiveFood/Universal Enzyme}}}}
===Основные ингредиенты и приправы===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Название
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Рецепт
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Примечание
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Universal Enzyme}}[[#Universal Enzyme|Universal Enzyme]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Universal Enzyme}}
|Works at a catalyst in some recipes, leaving behind denatured enzyme.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Flour}}[[#Flour|Flour]]
|Some is found in the kitchen cabinet at the start of the round.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Rice}}[[#Rice|Rice]]
|Some is found in the kitchen cabinet at the start of the round.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Sugar}}[[#Sugar|Sugar]]
|Some is found in the kitchen cabinet at the start of the round.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Corn Oil}}[[#Corn Oil|Corn Oil]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Corn Oil}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Milk}}[[#Milk|Milk]]
|Some is found in the kitchen fridge at the start of the round.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Soy Milk}}[[#Soy Milk|Soy Milk]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Soy Milk}}
|Works as a substitute for Milk in some recipes. Some is found in the kitchen fridge at the start of the round.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cheese Wheel}}[[#Cheese Wheel|Cheese Wheel]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cheese Wheel}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cheese Wedge}}[[#Cheese Wedge|Cheese Wedge]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cheese Wedge}}
|Gives you 5 Cheese Wedges per 1 Cheese Wheel
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tofu}}[[#Tofu|Tofu]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Soy Dope}}[[#Soy Dope|Soy Dope]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Soy Dope}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Soy Sauce}}[[#Soy Sauce|Soy Sauce]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Soy Sauce}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Salt}}[[#Salt|Salt]]
|Can also be created via Chemistry from 5u Water, 5u Sodium, and 5u of Chlorine
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Pepper}}[[#Pepper|Pepper]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fruit and Vegetable Juices}}[[#Fruit and Vegetable Juices|Fruit and Vegetable Juices]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Fruit and Vegetable Juices}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cherry Jelly}}[[#Cherry Jelly|Cherry Jelly]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cherry Jelly}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Slime Jelly}}[[#Slime Jelly|Slime Jelly]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Slime Jelly}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Sprinkles}}[[#Sprinkles|Sprinkles]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Ketchup}}[[#Ketchup|Ketchup]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Hot Sauce}}[[#Hot Sauce|Hot Sauce]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Hot Sauce}}
|Also known as Capsaicin
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cold Sauce}}[[#Cold Sauce|Cold Sauce]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cold Sauce}}
|Also known as Frost Oil
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Gravy}}[[#Gravy|Gravy]]
===Тесто и базовый хлеб===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Name
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Рецепт
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Примечание
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Dough}}[[#Dough|Dough]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Flat Dough}}[[#Flat Dough|Flat Dough]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Flat Dough}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Dough Slice}}[[#Dough Slice|Dough Slice]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Dough Slice}}
|Gives you 3 Dough Slices per 1 Flat Dough
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Bun}}[[#Bun|Bun]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Flatbread}}[[#Flatbread|Flatbread]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Baguette}}[[#Baguette|Baguette]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Bread}}[[#Bread|Bread]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Bread Slice}}[[#Bread Slice|Bread Slice]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Bread Slice}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Pastry Dough}}[[#Pastry Dough|Pastry Dough]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Pastry Dough}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Flat Pastry Dough}}[[#Flat Pastry Dough|Flat Pastry Dough]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Flat Pastry Dough}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cracker}}[[#Cracker|Cracker]]
===Мясо и яйца===
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Название
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Рецепт
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Примечание
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meat}}[[#Meat|Meat]]
|There are other, more...unethical...sources of meat walking around the station too... Plus there's some in the freezer at the start of every shift.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Synthmeat}}[[#Synthmeat|Synthmeat]]
|Cryoxadone is generally made by [[Chemistry|Guide to Chemistry]]. Use it as a substitute for normal Meat in any recipe that calls for it!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meatwheat Clump}}[[#Meatwheat Clump|Meatwheat Clump]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Meatwheat Clump}}
|Use it as a substitute for normal Meat in any recipe that calls for it! Created by [[Guide to Hydroponics|Botany]].
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Raw Cutlet}}[[#Raw Cutlet|Raw Cutlet]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Raw Cutlet}}
|Gives you 3 Cutlets per 1 Meat
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cutlet}}[[#Cutlet|Cutlet]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Raw Bacon}}[[#Raw Bacon|Raw Bacon]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Raw Bacon}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Bacon}}[[#Bacon|Bacon]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Telebacon}}[[#Telebacon|Telebacon]]
|Using {{Tooltip|[[#Synthmeat|Synthmeat]]|{{RecursiveFood/Synthmeat}}}} will give you Synthitelebacon instead!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meatball}}[[#Meatball|Meatball]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Sausage}}[[#Sausage|Sausage]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meat Steak}}[[#Meat Steak|Meat Steak]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Meat Steak}}
|Using {{Tooltip|[[#Synthmeat|Synthmeat]]|{{RecursiveFood/Synthmeat}}}} will give you Syntisteak instead!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Goliath Steak}}[[#Goliath Steak|Goliath Steak]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Goliath Steak}}
|Alternatively, toss the raw Goliath Meat into lava!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meat-Kabob}}[[#Meat-Kabob|Meat-Kabob]]
|Make it from a dead crewmember to give it that extra special touch (Not Nanotrasen Approved!)
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tofu-Kabob}}[[#Tofu-Kabob|Tofu-Kabob]]
|Not actually meat! Still delicious though.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meat-Pie}}[[#Meat-Pie|Meat-Pie]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tofu-Pie}}[[#Tofu-Pie|Tofu-Pie]]
|Meat free, but still delicious!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Xeno-Pie}}[[#Xeno-Pie|Xeno-Pie]]
|Tastes like burning!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meatbread}}[[#Meatbread|Meatbread]]
|Sliceable. Using {{Tooltip|[[#Synthmeat|Synthmeat]]|{{RecursiveFood/Synthmeat}}}} will give you Synthibread instead.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tofubread}}[[#Tofubread|Tofubread]]
|Sliceable. Like meatbread but for vegetarians.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Xenomeatbread}}[[#Xenomeatbread|Xenomeatbread]]
|Sliceable. Heretical.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Donk Pocket}}[[#Donk Pocket|Donk Pocket]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Donk Pocket}}
|Microwave it to make a Warm Donk Pocket, which contains Omnizine that heals those who eat it
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Egg}}[[#Egg|Egg]]
|Some are found in the kitchen fridge at the start of the round.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Boiled Egg}}[[#Boiled Egg|Boiled Egg]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Boiled Egg}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fried Egg}}[[#Fried Egg|Fried Egg]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Fried Egg}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cheese Omelet}}[[#Cheese Omelet|Cheese Omelet]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cheese Omelet}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Benedict}}[[#Benedict|Benedict]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Boiled Spider Leg}}[[#Boiled Spider Leg|Boiled Spider Leg]]
! {{anchor|Hybrid Taser}}[[#Hybrid Taser|Hybrid Taser]]<br>[[File:Taser.png]]
| Stun/Stamina
|{{RecursiveFood/Boiled Spider Leg}}
| 5 Secs/36 Stamina
|Raw spider parts are toxic, but this cooked recipe isn't!
| [[Equipment Room]]
| A hybrid taser capable of alternating between a short-ranged taser shot, and long-ranged disabler fire.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Spider Eggs 'n' Ham}}[[#Spider Eggs 'n' Ham|Spider Eggs 'n' Ham]]
! {{anchor|Energy Gun}}[[#Energy Gun|Energy Gun]]<br>[[File:Energy_Gun.png]]
| Stamina/Burn
|{{RecursiveFood/Spider Eggs 'n' Ham}}
| 36 Stamina/20 Burn
|Raw spider parts are toxic, but this cooked recipe isn't!
| [[Secure Armory]]
| An energy gun capable of toggling between lethal and disabler fire.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Wing Fang Chu}}[[#Wing Fang Chu|Wing Fang Chu]]
! {{anchor|Laser Gun}}[[#Laser Gun|Laser Gun]]<br>[[File:Laser.png]]
| Burn
|{{RecursiveFood/Wing Fang Chu}}
| 20
|A savoury dish of alien wing wang in soy.
| [[Secure Armory]]
| An energy gun with the only firing setting you need in an emergency - kill.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Soylent Green}}[[#Soylent Green|Soylent Green]]
! {{anchor|Practice Laser Gun}}[[#Practice Laser Gun|Practice Laser Gun]]<br>[[File:Laser.png]]
| N/A
|{{RecursiveFood/Soylent Green}}
| N/A
|Not made of people. Honest.
| [[Firing Range]]
| A practice variant of the traditional laser gun. Fires harmless beams of light.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Soylent Viridians}}[[#Soylent Viridians|Soylent Viridians]]
! {{anchor|Ion Rifle}}[[#Ion Rifle|Ion Rifle]]<br>[[File:Ion_Rifle.png]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Soylent Viridians}}
| 20 Component
|Not made of people. ''Honest.''
| [[Secure Armory]]
| A specialized rifle that fires ion bolts which are capable of disrupting and interfering with electronic devices. Damage is applied across all parts/components.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fried Tofu}}[[#Fried Tofu|Fried Tofu]]
! {{anchor|LWAP}}[[#LWAP|LWAP]]<br>[[File:LWAP.png]]
| Weaken + Burn
|{{RecursiveFood/Fried Tofu}}
| 5 Secs + 60 Burn
| [[Gamma Armory]]
| A high-powered laser carbine equipped with a tactical scope. While the cooling array takes a long time to recharge between shots, it provides exceptional stopping power.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Kentucky Fried Vox}}[[#Kentucky Fried Vox|Kentucky Fried Vox]]
! Pulse Rifle<br>[[File:Pulse_rifle.gif]]
| Stamina/Burn
|{{RecursiveFood/Kentucky Fried Vox}}
| 36 Stamina/20 Burn (Kill)/50 Burn (DESTROY)
|Finger lickins goods yaya
| DeathSquad
| A Heavy-duty energy rifle carried by front-line combat soldiers. This comes with three settings: Disable, Kill, and DESTROY. The DESTROY setting will deal additional damage as well as melt walls and various other objects.
===Рыба, морепродукты, суши===
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width="80%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #ff9999;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: darkred; color: white;"
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Object
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Название
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage Type
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Пецепт
| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Location
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Примечание
| class="unsortable"                       | Description
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Carp Fillet}}[[#Carp Fillet|Carp Fillet]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Carp Fillet}}
|'''WARNING''' - Raw carp fillets contain harmful [[Guide to Chemistry|Carpotoxin]]!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Catfish Meat}}[[#Catfish Meat|Catfish Meat]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Catfish Meat}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Salmon Fillet}}[[#Salmon Fillet|Salmon Fillet]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Salmon Fillet}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Salmon Steak}}[[#Salmon Steak|Salmon Steak]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Salmon Steak}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fish Fingers}}[[#Fish Fingers|Fish Fingers]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Fish Fingers}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fish & Chips}}[[#Fish & Chips|Fish & Chips]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Fish & Chips}}
|I do say so myself chap.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cuban Carp}}[[#Cuban Carp|Cuban Carp]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cuban Carp}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Sashimi}}[[#Sashimi|Sashimi]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Boiled Shrimp}}[[#Boiled Shrimp|Boiled Shrimp]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Boiled Shrimp}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fried Shrimp}}[[#Fried Shrimp|Fried Shrimp]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Fried Shrimp}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Shrimp Skewer}}[[#Shrimp Skewer|Shrimp Skewer]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Shrimp Skewer}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fish Skewer}}[[#Fish Skewer|Fish Skewer]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Fish Skewer}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Ebi Maki Roll}}[[#Ebi Maki Roll|Ebi Maki Roll]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Ebi Maki Roll}}
|Sliceable. Crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Ikura Maki Roll}}[[#Ikura Maki Roll|Ikura Maki Roll]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Ikura Maki Roll}}
|Sliceable. Crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Inari Maki Roll}}[[#Inari Maki Roll|Inari Maki Roll]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Inari Maki Roll}}
|Sliceable. Crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Masago Maki Roll}}[[#Masago Maki Roll|Masago Maki Roll]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Masago Maki Roll}}
|Sliceable. Crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Sake Maki Roll}}[[#Sake Maki Roll|Sake Maki Roll]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Sake Maki Roll}}
|Sliceable. Crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Smoked Salmon Maki Roll}}[[#Smoked Salmon Maki Roll|Smoked Salmon Maki Roll]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Smoked Salmon Maki Roll}}
|Sliceable. Crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tai Maki Roll}}[[#Tai Maki Roll|Tai Maki Roll]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tai Maki Roll}}
|Sliceable. Crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tobiko Maki Roll}}[[#Tobiko Maki Roll|Tobiko Maki Roll]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tobiko Maki Roll}}
|Sliceable. Crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tobiko and Egg Maki Roll}}[[#Tobiko and Egg Maki Roll|Tobiko and Egg Maki Roll]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tobiko and Egg Maki Roll}}
|Sliceable. Crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Ebi Sushi}}[[#Ebi Sushi|Ebi Sushi]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Ebi Sushi}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Ikura Sushi}}[[#Ikura Sushi|Ikura Sushi]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Ikura Sushi}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Inari Sushi}}[[#Inari Sushi|Inari Sushi]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Inari Sushi}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Masago Sushi}}[[#Masago Sushi|Masago Sushi]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Masago Sushi}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Sake Sushi}}[[#Sake Sushi|Sake Sushi]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Sake Sushi}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Smoked Salmon Sushi}}[[#Smoked Salmon Sushi|Smoked Salmon Sushi]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Smoked Salmon Sushi}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tamago Sushi}}[[#Tamago Sushi|Tamago Sushi]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tamago Sushi}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tai Sushi}}[[#Tai Sushi|Tai Sushi]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tai Sushi}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tobiko Sushi}}[[#Tobiko Sushi|Tobiko Sushi]]
! {{anchor|Riot Shotgun}}[[#Riot Shotgun|Riot Shotgun]]<br>[[File:Riotshotgun.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Tobiko Sushi}}
| Variable
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
| [[Secure Armory]]
| A pump-action riot-grade shotgun capable of chambering seven rounds. Can be loaded with various types of ammunition, but is loaded with rubbershot by default. Sawing it off reduces the ammo capacity by four and allows it to fit into bags.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tobiko and Egg Sushi}}[[#Tobiko and Egg Sushi|Tobiko and Egg Sushi]]
! {{anchor|Combat Shotgun}}[[#Combat Shotgun|Combat Shotgun]]<br>[[File:Combat_Shotgun.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Tobiko and Egg Sushi}}
| Variable
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
| Ordered from [[Cargo]]
| A combat-grade shotgun capable of chambering seven rounds. Can be loaded with various types of ammunition but is loaded with buckshot shells by default. Unlike the Riot Shotgun, it does not require manual pumping between shots.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Unagi Sushi}}[[#Unagi Sushi|Unagi Sushi]]
! Bulldog Shotgun<br>[[File:GunBulldog.png]]
| N/A
|{{RecursiveFood/Unagi Sushi}}
| Variable
| Variable
| A drum-fed shotgun that carts magazines sporting up to eight rounds. Its damage, accuracy, range, and utility varies depending on the type of ammunition utilized. It can be loaded with slugs, buckshot, dragon's breath, or taser shot.
===Бургеры, сенгвичи и основные блюда===
==Патроны для Дробовиков==
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width="80%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #ff9999;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: darkred; color: white;"
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Object
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Название
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage Type
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Рецепт
| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Location
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Примечание
| class="unsortable"                       | Description
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Burger}}[[#Burger|Burger]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cheese Burger}}[[#Cheese Burger|Cheese Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cheese Burger}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tofu Burger}}[[#Tofu Burger|Tofu Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tofu Burger}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fillet-O-Carp Sandwich}}[[#Fillet-O-Carp Sandwich|Fillet-O-Carp Sandwich]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Fillet-O-Carp Sandwich}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Big Bite Burger}}[[#Big Bite Burger|Big Bite Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Big Bite Burger}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Super Bite Burger}}[[#Super Bite Burger|Super Bite Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Super Bite Burger}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Jelly Burger}}[[#Jelly Burger|Jelly Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Jelly Burger}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Slime Burger}}[[#Slime Burger|Slime Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Slime Burger}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Clown Burger}}[[#Clown Burger|Clown Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Clown Burger}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Mime Burger}}[[#Mime Burger|Mime Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Mime Burger}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Spell Burger}}[[#Spell Burger|Spell Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Spell Burger}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Homerun Burger}}[[#Homerun Burger|Homerun Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Homerun Burger}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Ghostburger}}[[#Ghostburger|Ghostburger]]
|Spooky! It doesn't look very filling.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Xeno Burger}}[[#Xeno Burger|Xeno Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Xeno Burger}}
|Smells caustic. Tastes like heresy.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Brain Burger}}[[#Brain Burger|Brain Burger]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Brain Burger}}
|A strange looking burger. It looks almost sentient. '''WARNING''' - Contains prions which cause [[Guide to Virology|Space Kuru]]!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Roburger}}[[#Roburger|Roburger]]
|The lettuce is the only organic component. Beep.  '''WARNING''' - Contains nanomachines which turn people into [[Guide to Robotics|cyborgs]]!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Sandwich}}[[#Sandwich|Sandwich]]
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Not a Sandwich}}[[#Not a Sandwich|Not a Sandwich]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Not a Sandwich}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Grilled Cheese}}[[#Grilled Cheese|Grilled Cheese]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Grilled Cheese}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Toasted Sandwich}}[[#Toasted Sandwich|Toasted Sandwich]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Toasted Sandwich}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Jelly Sandwich}}[[#Jelly Sandwich|Jelly Sandwich]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Jelly Sandwich}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Slime Sandwich}}[[#Slime Sandwich|Slime Sandwich]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Slime Sandwich}}
|Can also be crafted using the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Jellied Toast}}[[#Jellied Toast|Jellied Toast]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Jellied Toast}}
|A slice of toast covered with delicious jam.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Slime Toast}}[[#Slime Toast|Slime Toast]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Slime Toast}}
|A slice of toast covered with a...jam-like substance.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Two Bread}}[[#Two Bread|Two Bread]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Two Bread}}
|It is very bitter and winy.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Hotdog}}[[#Hotdog|Hotdog]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meat Bun}}[[#Meat Bun|Meat Bun]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Meat Bun}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Egg Wrap}}[[#Egg Wrap|Egg Wrap]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Egg Wrap}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Burrito}}[[#Burrito|Burrito]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Chimichanga}}[[#Chimichanga|Chimichanga]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Taco}}[[#Taco|Taco]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Enchiladas}}[[#Enchiladas|Enchiladas]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Beanbag}}[[#Shotgun - Beanbag|Shotgun - Beanbag]]<br>[[File:Shotgun shell green.png]]
| Stamina + Brute
| 80 Stamina + 5 Brute
| [[Secure Armory]]<br>Autolathe
| A shotgun shell fitted with a beanbag. Ideal for non-lethally subduing targets.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Stewed Soy Meat}}[[#Stewed Soy Meat|Stewed Soy Meat]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Rubbershot}}[[#Shotgun - Rubbershot|Shotgun - Rubbershot]]<br><br> [[File:Shotgun_shell_purple.png]]
| Brute + Stun
|{{RecursiveFood/Stewed Soy Meat}}
| 5 Brute + 2 Secs
| [[Secure Armory]]<br>Autolathe
| A shotgun shell packed with rubbershot. Ideal for disarming and non-lethally subduing targets. This ammunition is loaded into the Riot Shotgun by default.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Boiled Slime Extract}}[[#Boiled Slime Extract|Boiled Slime Extract]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Tranquilizer}}[[#Shotgun - Tranquilizer|Shotgun - Tranquilizer]]<br>[[File:Shotgun_shell_blue.png]]
| Chemical
|{{RecursiveFood/Boiled Slime Extract}}
| N/A
| [[Secure Armory]]
| A shotgun shell loaded with a haloperidol dart. Though slow-acting, it's ideal for non-lethally subduing targets who use stimulants.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Boiled Rice}}[[#Boiled Rice|Boiled Rice]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Stun Slug}}[[#Shotgun - Stun Slug|Shotgun - Stun Slug]]<br>[[File:Shotgun_shell_yellow.png]]
| Stun
|{{RecursiveFood/Boiled Rice}}
| 7 Secs
| Protolathe
| A non-penetrating shotgun slug that discharges an electrode. Ideal for non-lethally subduing targets.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Baked Potato}}[[#Baked Potato|Baked Potato]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Slugs}}[[#Shotgun - Slugs|Shotgun - Slugs]]<br>[[File:Shotgun_shell_white.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Baked Potato}}
| 60
| Autolathe
| A highly penetrating shotgun slug. Ideal for greater accuracy and taking down single, highly-armoured targets.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Yaki Imo}}[[#Yaki Imo|Yaki Imo]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Buckshot}}[[#Shotgun - Buckshot|Shotgun - Buckshot]]<br>[[File:Shotgun_shell_red.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Yaki Imo}}
| 12 (6)
| [[Secure Armory]]<br>Autolathe
| A shotgun shell that spreads into six individual pellets when fired. Ideal for large groups, or where accuracy is an afterthought. Each pellet does 12 brute damage with damage falloff at longer distances.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Chawanmushi}}[[#Chawanmushi|Chawanmushi]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Incendiary Slug}}[[#Shotgun - Incendiary Slug|Shotgun - Incendiary Slug]]<br>[[File:Shotgun_shell_orange.png]]
| Brute + Fire
| 30 + Fire
|A legendary savoury egg custard.
| Autolathe
| A highly penetrating shotgun slug packed with white phosphorous. Ideal for greater accuracy and taking down single, highly-armoured targets.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Beans}}[[#Beans|Beans]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Tech Dart}}[[#Shotgun - Tech Dart|Shotgun - Tech Dart]]<br>[[File:Shotgun_shell_purple.png]]
| Chemical
| N/A
| Protolathe
| An empty shotgun shell with a small ampoule capable of storing up to 15u of any reagent. The reagent will be injected into the target on impact.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Stuffing}}[[#Stuffing|Stuffing]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Pulse Slug}}[[#Shotgun - Pulse Slug|Shotgun - Pulse Slug]]<br>[[File:Shotgun_shell_tech.png]]
| Burn
| 40
| Protolathe
| A non-penetrating shotgun slug that discharges plasma on impact. Ideal for targets wearing bullet-resistant armour. Pulse Slugs are also capable of destroying walls on impact.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Turkey}}[[#Turkey|Turkey]]
! {{anchor|Shotgun - Ion Slug}}[[#Shotgun - Ion Slug|Shotgun - Ion Slug]]<br>[[File:Shotgun_shell_ion.png]]
| 20 Component
|A traditional turkey and stuffing, perfect for Thanksgiving or Space Thanksgiving alike!
| Crafting
| A non-penetrating shotgun slug that creates ionic interference on impact. Useful for synthetic targets or to disrupt electrical equipment. Damage is applied across all parts/components.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tofurkey}}[[#Tofurkey|Tofurkey]]
! Drum Magazine - 12g Buckshot<br>[[File:BulldogAmmo.png]]
| Brute
| 15
|Like a turkey but with less turkey.
| Uplink
| These rounds are intended for dealing with targets at close quarters. Make sure your firing line is clear, as it's relatively easy to hit friendlies due to the wide spread. Each pellet in a shell deals 15 brute damage with damage falloff the further away a target is.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Eggplant Parmigiana}}[[#Eggplant Parmigiana|Eggplant Parmigiana]]
! Drum Magazine - 12g Slugs<br>[[File:BulldogAmmo.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Eggplant Parmigiana}}
| 60
| Uplink
| An additional 8-round slug magazine for use in the Bulldog shotgun. Slugs are capable of quickly taking down even the most armoured of targets.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Monkey's Delight}}[[#Monkey's Delight|Monkey's Delight]]
! Drum Magazine - 12g Stun Slug<br>[[File:BulldogStun.png]]
| Brute<br>Stun
|{{RecursiveFood/Monkey's Delight}}
| 5<br>5 secs
| Uplink
| An alternative 8-round stun slug magazine for use in the Bulldog shotgun. Each shell deals 5 brute damage and will stun the person for a moderate amount of time.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Diona Roast}}[[#Diona Roast|Diona Roast]]
! Drum Magazine - 12g Dragon's Breath<br>[[File:BulldogFire.png]]
| Brute<br>Burn
|{{RecursiveFood/Diona Roast}}
| 5<br>Variable
|It's like an enormous, leathery carrot. With an eye.
| Uplink
| An alternative 8-round dragon's breath magazine for use in the Bulldog shotgun. Each shell contains 4 pellet which deal 5 brute damage and sets the target on fire. Additionally the pellets leave a heat trail, raising the temperature of areas they passed by.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Plump Helmet Biscuit}}[[#Plump Helmet Biscuit|Plump Helmet Biscuit]]
! Shotgun Ammo Grab Bag<br>[[File:DuffleSyndiShotgun.png]]
| N/A
|{{RecursiveFood/Plump Helmet Biscuit}}
| N/A
|This is a finely-prepared plump helmet biscuit. It menaces with spikes of flour and plump helmet mushroom.
| Uplink
| A bag containing an assortment of ammo drums for the Bulldog Shotgun at a discounted price. Features one Dragon's Breath drum, two Buckshot drums, and six Slug drums.
===Паста и пицца===
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width="80%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #ff9999;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: darkred; color: white;"
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Object
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Название
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage Type
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Рецепт
| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Location
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Примечание
| class="unsortable"                       | Description
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Spaghetti}}[[#Spaghetti|Spaghetti]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Boiled Spaghetti}}[[#Boiled Spaghetti|Boiled Spaghetti]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Boiled Spaghetti}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tomato Pasta}}[[#Tomato Pasta|Tomato Pasta]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tomato Pasta}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Spaghetti & Meatballs}}[[#Spaghetti & Meatballs|Spaghetti & Meatballs]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Spaghetti & Meatballs}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Spess Law}}[[#Spess Law|Spess Law]]
! {{anchor|WT-550 Auto Rifle}}[[#WT-550 Auto Rifle|WT-550 Auto Rifle]]<br>[[File:Autorifle.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Spess Law}}
| Variable
| Ordered from [[Cargo]]
| An outdated personal defense weapon which feeds from 20-round 4.6x20mm toploader magazines. Can only fire in semi-automatic and has a relatively poor rate of fire for a rifle. Comes loaded with standard 4.6x20mm rounds by default.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Macaroni}}[[#Macaroni|Macaroni]]
! {{anchor|Rocket Launcher}}[[#Rocket Launcher|Rocket Launcher]]<br>[[File:RPG.png]]
| Stun + Brute
| 18 Secs + 25 Brute
| [[Gamma Armory]]
| A top-loaded rocket launcher. Despite firing explosive shells, the rocket launcher is largely an anti-personnel weapon. The effects of the impact are reduced the farther the target is from the epicentre.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Mac 'N' Cheese}}[[#Mac 'N' Cheese|Mac 'N' Cheese]]
! {{anchor|.38 Revolver}}[[#.38 Revolver|.38 Revolver]]<br>[[File:Revolver.png]]
| Stun + Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Mac 'N' Cheese}}
| 3 Secs + 5 Brute
| [[Detective's Office]]
| A .38 revolver issued to the detective that comes loaded with rubber bullets. Each bullet is capable of briefly stunning targets upon impact.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Lasagna}}[[#Lasagna|Lasagna]]
! Unica-6 Autorevolver<br>[[File:Mateba.gif]]
| Brute
| 60 Brute
|Tajara love to eat this for some reason
| DeathSquad
| A military-grade sidearm for some CentCom officers as well as the New Russia Military, this fits on the belt. Holds seven rounds when fully loaded and comes with one set of spare ammo.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Margherita Pizza}}[[#Margherita Pizza|Margherita Pizza]]
! C-20r Submachine Gun<br>[[File:GunC-20r.png]]
| Brute<br>Stamina
|{{RecursiveFood/Margherita Pizza}}
| 20<br>65
| Uplink
| A fully-loaded Scarborough Arms bullpup submachine gun that fires .45 rounds, boasts a 20-round magazine and is compatible with suppressors. Ideal for short to medium range and capable of firing in two round bursts or semi-automatic fire. While it deals low brute damage compared to many other firearms, the stamina damage will stun targets in just two hits making it excellent for keeping crew pinned down for other operatives to finish off.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meat Pizza}}[[#Meat Pizza|Meat Pizza]]
! M-90gl Carbine<br>[[File:GunM-90gl.png]]
| Brute<br>Explosive
|{{RecursiveFood/Meat Pizza}}
| 35<br>Variable
|Sliceable. Using {{Tooltip|[[#Synthmeat|Synthmeat]]|{{RecursiveFood/Synthmeat}}}} will give you Synthipizza instead.
| Uplink
| A three-round burst 5.56 toploading carbine, designated 'M-90gl' with an attached underbarrel grenade launcher which can be toggled on and off. An ideal weapon for medium to long range, the M-90gl is capable of effectively stopping targets in as little as two bursts.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Mushroom Pizza}}[[#Mushroom Pizza|Mushroom Pizza]]
! L6 Squad Automatic Weapon<br>[[File:GunL6.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Mushroom Pizza}}
| 45 / +5 Armor Piercing
| Uplink
| A fully-loaded Aussec Armoury belt-fed machine gun. This deadly weapon has a massive 50-round magazine of devastating 5.56x45mm ammunition. It requires two hands to appropriately wield, and holding something in your other hand will cause you to drop the weapon due to recoil.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Vegetable Pizza}}[[#Vegetable Pizza|Vegetable Pizza]]
! Sniper Rifle<br>[[File:GunSniper.png]]
| Variable
|{{RecursiveFood/Vegetable Pizza}}
| Variable
| Uplink
| A rifle with a very low fire-rate, heavy recoil and devastating damage or effects on whatever its bullets hit. Comes included with a scope that lets you see several tiles ahead at the cost of not being able to spot anyone coming at you from behind. It can also be suppressed if you're planning to be stealthy during your operation. It comes loaded with devastating .50 sniper rounds and can be additionally loaded with Soporific, Hemorrhage or Penetrator rounds. You must also have both hands free to fire this gun!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Hawaiian Pizza}}[[#Hawaiian Pizza|Hawaiian Pizza]]
! Toy Submachine Gun<br>[[File:FoamSubmachineGun.png]]
| Stamina
|{{RecursiveFood/Hawaiian Pizza}}
| 25
|Sliceable, and controversial!
| Uplink
| Designed for non-lethal operations, the Donksoft SMG is a cheap alternative to most loud weapons and could potentially be used in stealth operations. You can insert a pen into the darts to make them deal five brute damage.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Mac 'N' Cheese Pizza}}[[#Mac 'N' Cheese Pizza|Mac 'N' Cheese Pizza]]
! Toy Machine Gun<br>[[File:FoamMachineGun.png]]
| Stamina
|{{RecursiveFood/Mac 'N' Cheese Pizza}}
| 25
| Uplink
| Designed for non-lethal operations, the Donksoft LMG is a cheaper alternative to most loud weapons and could potentially be used in stealth operations. You can insert a pen into the darts to make them deal five brute damage.
===Сыпы, салаты и гарниры===
==Амуниция Огнестрела==
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width="80%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #ff9999;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: darkred; color: white;"
| style="width: 150pt; center;"            | Object
| style="width: 100pt; center;"            | Damage Type
| style="width: 100pt; center;"            | Damage
| style="width: 150pt; center;"            | Location
| class="unsortable"                      | Description
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Название
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Рецепт
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Примечание
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tomato Soup}}[[#Tomato Soup|Tomato Soup]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tomato Soup}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Vegetable Soup}}[[#Vegetable Soup|Vegetable Soup]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Vegetable Soup}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Meatball Soup}}[[#Meatball Soup|Meatball Soup]]
! {{anchor|WT-550 - Standard Magazine}}[[#WT-550 - Standard Magazine|WT-550 - Standard Magazine]]<br>[[File:WTammo.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Meatball Soup}}
| 20
| Ordered from [[Cargo]]<br>Protolathe
| The standard 4.6x20mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Mushroom Soup}}[[#Mushroom Soup|Mushroom Soup]]
! {{anchor|WT-550 - Armor Piercing}}[[#WT-550 - Armor Piercing|WT-550 - Armor Piercing]]<br><br> [[File:WTammo.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Mushroom Soup}}
| 17
| Protolathe
| A non-standard 4.6x20mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle. While it has less stopping power, it penetrates both bone and armour more readily.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Beet Soup}}[[#Beet Soup|Beet Soup]]
! {{anchor|WT-550 - Toxin Tipped}}[[#WT-550 - Toxin Tipped|WT-550 - Toxin Tipped]]<br>[[File:WTammo.png]]
| Toxins
|{{RecursiveFood/Beet Soup}}
| 15
| Protolathe
| A non-standard 4.6x20mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle. Ideal for highly armoured targets who may not be susceptible to conventional gunfire.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Nettle Soup}}[[#Nettle Soup|Nettle Soup]]
! {{anchor|WT-550 - Incendiary}}[[#WT-550 - Incendiary|WT-550 - Incendiary]]<br>[[File:WTammo.png]]
| Brute + Fire
|{{RecursiveFood/Nettle Soup}}
| 20 + Fire
|To think, the botanist would have beat you to death with one of these.
| Protolathe
| A non-standard 4.6x20mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle. The rounds are packed with white-phosphorous and will ignite a target upon impact.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Miso Soup}}[[#Miso Soup|Miso Soup]]
! {{anchor|.38 Revolver - Rubber Shot}}[[#.38 Revolver - Rubber Shot|.38 Revolver - Rubber Shot]]<br>[[File:Speed_loader_.38.png]]
| Stun + Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Miso Soup}}
| 3 Secs + 5 Brute
|Some strange space travellers call this "Milo Soup".
| Autolathe
| A six round speedloader for the .38 Revolver. The rounds are rubber, and the speedloader is recyclable.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Wish Soup}}[[#Wish Soup|Wish Soup]]
! {{anchor|.38 Revolver - .357 Rounds}}[[#.38 Revolver - .357 Rounds|.38 Revolver - .357 Rounds]]<br>[[File:Ammo 357.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Wish Soup}}
| 60
|If you're very lucky, this will sate your hunger.
| Autolathe
| A six round speedloader containing .357 rounds. While capable of being fired out of the .38 revolver, the difference in cartridge size can cause backfiring.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Slime Soup}}[[#Slime Soup|Slime Soup]]
! {{anchor|Rocket Launcher - Rocket}}[[#Rocket Launcher - Rocket|Rocket Launcher - Rocket]]<br>[[File:Rocket.png]]
| Stun + Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Slime Soup}}
| 18 Secs + 25 Brute
| [[Gamma Armory]]
| A single rocket for the Gamma Armoury's rocket launcher. Rockets must be manually reloaded into the rocket launcher after firing.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Blood Soup}}[[#Blood Soup|Blood Soup]]
! Magazine - .45<br>[[File:Ammo_45.png]]
| Brute<br>Stamina
|{{RecursiveFood/Blood Soup}}
| 20<br>65
|Disclaimer: May not actually sate Vampire hunger.
| Uplink
| An additional 20 round magazine for the C-20r Submachine Gun.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Clown's Tears}}[[#Clown's Tears|Clown's Tears]]
! .45 Ammo Grab Bag<br>[[File:DuffleSyndiShotgun.png]]
| N/A
|{{RecursiveFood/Clown's Tears}}
| N/A
| Uplink
| A bag containing 10 .45 C20r Magazines at a discounted price. A great purchase if you declare war or plan to have all operatives using the C20r SMG.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Mystery Soup}}[[#Mystery Soup|Mystery Soup]]
! Toploader Magazine - 5.56<br>[[File:Ammo_556.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Mystery Soup}}
| 35
|Contains mysterious flavours. Eat at your own peril!
| Uplink
| An additional 30 round magazine for the M-90gl.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Stew}}[[#Stew|Stew]]
! Ammo Box - 40mm Grenades<br>[[File:Ammo_40mm.png]]
| Brute<br>Explosive
| 60<br>Variable
| Uplink
| An additional 4 grenade launcher rounds for the M-90gl. Each shell does 60 brute damage on hit, followed by an explosion which can easily dismember a person even if the shell does not hit them directly.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Hot Chili}}[[#Hot Chili|Hot Chili]]
! Box Magazine - 5.56x45mm<br>[[File:Ammo_762.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Hot Chili}}
| 45 / +5 Armor Piercing
| Uplink
| An additional 50 round magazine for the L6-SAW.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cold Chili}}[[#Cold Chili|Cold Chili]]
! Box of Riot Darts<br>[[File:FoamRiotDarts.png]]
| Stamina
|{{RecursiveFood/Cold Chili}}
| 25
| Uplink
| This ammo box contains 40 additional riot foam darts which can be used to load the Toy Submachine Gun or the Toy Machine Gun.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Herb Salad}}[[#Herb Salad|Herb Salad]]
! .50 Magazine<br>[[File:Ammo_50cal.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Herb Salad}}
| 70 / +50 Armor Piercing
| Uplink
| An additional 6 round .50 magazine for the Sniper Rifle. These bullets will stun anyone they hit, can destroy walls and objects and carry a 50% chance of blowing off whatever limb you're targeting, heads included.
! .50 Soporific Magazine<br>[[File:Ammo_50cals.png]]
| Sleep
| 40 secs
| Uplink
| An additional 3 round .50 Soporific magazine for the Sniper Rifle. Rounds deal 0 damage, but instantly put a target to sleep.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Valid Salad}}[[#Valid Salad|Valid Salad]]
! .50 Hemorrhage Magazine<br>[[File:Ammo_50calh.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Valid Salad}}
| 15 / +15 Armor Piercing
|Contains [[Guide to Chemistry|Saline-Glucose Solution]].
| Uplink
| An additional 5 round .50 Hemorrhage magazine for the Sniper Rifle. On top of 15 brute damage, each shot reduces blood count level by 18%.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Aesir Salad}}[[#Aesir Salad|Aesir Salad]]
! .50 Penetrator Magazine<br>[[File:Ammo_50cal.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Aesir Salad}}
| 60 / +50 Armor Piercing
|Contains [[Guide to Chemistry|Omnizine]].
| Uplink
| An additional 5 round .50 Penetrator magazine for the Sniper Rifle. Each round is capable of penetrating an unlimited number of targets, objects and walls in its path up to a range of 50 tiles.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Space Fries}}[[#Space Fries|Space Fries]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Space Fries}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cheese Fries}}[[#Cheese Fries|Cheese Fries]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cheese Fries}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Onion Rings}}[[#Onion Rings|Onion Rings]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Onion Rings}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Carrot Fries}}[[#Carrot Fries|Carrot Fries]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Carrot Fries}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Roast Parsnip}}[[#Roast Parsnip|Roast Parsnip]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Roast Parsnip}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tator Tot}}[[#Tator Tot|Tator Tot]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tator Tot}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Raw Potato Sticks}}[[#Raw Potato Sticks|Raw Potato Sticks]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Raw Potato Sticks}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Potato Chips}}[[#Potato Chips|Potato Chips]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Potato Chips}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Corn Chips}}[[#Corn Chips|Corn Chips]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Corn Chips}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Popcorn}}[[#Popcorn|Popcorn]]
===Хлебобулочные изделия и десерты===
==Оружие Ближнего Боя==
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width="80%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #ff9999;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: darkred; color: white;"
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Object
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Название
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage Type
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
| style="width: 100pt; center;"           | Damage
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Рецепт
| style="width: 150pt; center;"           | Location
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Заметки
| class="unsortable"                       | Description
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Unbaked Cookies}}[[#Unbaked Cookies|Unbaked Cookies]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Unbaked Cookies}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Chocochips Unbaked Cookies}}[[#Chocochips Unbaked Cookies|Chocochips Unbaked Cookies]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Chocochips Unbaked Cookies}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Sugar Cookies}}[[#Sugar Cookies|Sugar Cookies]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Sugar Cookies}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cookies}}[[#Cookies|Cookies]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Muffin}}[[#Muffin|Muffin]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Pancake}}[[#Pancake|Pancake]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Berry Pancake}}[[#Berry Pancake|Berry Pancake]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Berry Pancake}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Choc-Chip Pancake}}[[#Choc-Chip Pancake|Choc-Chip Pancake]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Choc-Chip Pancake}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Waffles}}[[#Waffles|Waffles]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Roffle Waffles}}[[#Roffle Waffles|Roffle Waffles]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Roffle Waffles}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Rice Pudding}}[[#Rice Pudding|Rice Pudding]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Rice Pudding}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fried Banana}}[[#Fried Banana|Fried Banana]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Fried Banana}}
|Also known as Pisang Goreng!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Apple Tart}}[[#Apple Tart|Apple Tart]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Apple Tart}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Apple Pie}}[[#Apple Pie|Apple Pie]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Apple Pie}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cherry Pie}}[[#Cherry Pie|Cherry Pie]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cherry Pie}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Pumpkin Pie}}[[#Pumpkin Pie|Pumpkin Pie]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Pumpkin Pie}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Banana Cream Pie}}[[#Banana Cream Pie|Banana Cream Pie]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Banana Cream Pie}}
|The clown starts with one, but probably would love more.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Berry Clafoutis}}[[#Berry Clafoutis|Berry Clafoutis]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Berry Clafoutis}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Plump Pie}}[[#Plump Pie|Plump Pie]]
! {{anchor|Stun Baton}}[[#Stun Baton|Stun Baton]]<br>[[File:Stunbaton.png]]
| Stun/Brute
| 7 Secs/10 Brute
| [[Equipment Room]]
| A standard-issue stunbaton capable of readily subduing targets within melee range.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|%}}[[#Amanita Pie|Amanita Pie]]
! {{anchor|Telescopic Baton}}[[#Telescopic Baton|Telescopic Baton]]<br>[[File:Telebaton.png]]
| Stun/Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Amanita Pie}}
| 2-3 Secs/10 Brute
|'''WARNING''' - poisonous!
| [[Head of Security]]<br>[[Detective]]
| A baton issued to detectives and Command. It needs to be extended before it can be utilized.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Banana-Nut Bread}}[[#Banana-Nut Bread|Banana-Nut Bread]]
! {{anchor|Combat Knife}}[[#Combat Knife|Combat Knife]]<br>[[File:Combatknife.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Banana-Nut Bread}}
| 20
|Sliceable. May or may not contain nuts.
| Ordered from [[Cargo]]<br>[[Gamma Armory]]
| A razor sharp steel combat knife that comes packaged with the SWAT crate. It can be used either as a melee instrument, or as a throwing weapon.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cream Cheese Bread}}[[#Cream Cheese Bread|Cream Cheese Bread]]
! Energy Sword <br> [[File:Sword.gif]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Cream Cheese Bread}}
| 3 inactive<br>30 active / +35 Armor Piercing
| Uplink
| This is a melee weapon that can do a lot of brute damage. It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket, but it only does about 3 brute damage. Click on it to switch between the two states. It has a 50% chance to block projectiles and melee attacks when active. It has a very distinctive noise when switching states, as well as when using it to commit murder. Don't expect to be hidden for very long after using it.  
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Regular Cake}}[[#Regular Cake|Regular Cake]]
! Double Energy Sword <br> [[File:Desword.gif]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Regular Cake}}
| 3 inactive<br>34 active / +35 Armor Piercing
|Sliceable. Not a lie.
| Uplink
| A melee weapon created by attaching two Energy Swords together. It has higher damage and a higher block chance (75%) than the Energy Sword, while also reflecting 100% of energy projectiles while wielded in both hands.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Chocolate Cake}}[[#Chocolate Cake|Chocolate Cake]]
! Energy Sword<br>[[File:Sword.gif]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Chocolate Cake}}
| 30 Brute
| DeathSquad
| A special Energy Sword given to Deathsquad operatives. The sword needs to be turned on before it can be used. It also has a chance of deflecting projectiles.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Birthday Cake}}[[#Birthday Cake|Birthday Cake]]
! Gloves of the North Star <br> [[File:Fingerless.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Birthday Cake}}
| Standard melee damage for your species.
|Sliceable. Happy Birthday!
| Uplink
| A pair of Fingerless gloves that allows you to punch dramatically quicker, if you are not holding an item within your hands.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cheese Cake}}[[#Cheese Cake|Cheese Cake]]
! Powerfist <br> [[File:Powerfist.png]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Cheese Cake}}
| 12 / 24 / 36
|Sliceable. DANGEROUSLY cheesy.
| Uplink
| A piston-powered metal fist that is fueled by any gas tank onboard the station. It launches anyone hit by the fist backwards and deals 12 brute damage multiplied by the power setting, which you can adjust with a wrench. The type of gas you use to fuel the fist doesn't alter its behavior, so feel free to use oxygen or air tanks which are easily found across the station. Do note that higher power settings will use more gas, so carrying some spare tanks is a wise idea if you plan to make heavy use of this item. You can remove attached tanks by using a screwdriver.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Carrot Cake}}[[#Carrot Cake|Carrot Cake]]
! Chainsaw <br> [[File:Chainsaw.gif]]
| Stun + Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Carrot Cake}}
| 40
| Uplink
| The chainsaw is an extremely lethal and visible weapon. It cannot be stored in a backpack and makes a very noticeable noise when on. When used on a corpse, it will carve them into chunks of meat, leaving nothing to be cloned.  
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Lemon Cake}}[[#Lemon Cake|Lemon Cake]]
! Energy Dagger <br> [[File:Edagger.gif]]
| Brute
|{{RecursiveFood/Lemon Cake}}
| 18
| Uplink
| Essentially a more lightweight energy sword. This device can be disguised as a pen to be stored within a PDA when off. It also functions as a pen when turned off.  
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Lime Cake}}[[#Lime Cake|Lime Cake]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Lime Cake}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Orange Cake}}[[#Orange Cake|Orange Cake]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Orange Cake}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Apple Cake}}[[#Apple Cake|Apple Cake]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Apple Cake}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Brain Cake}}[[#Brain Cake|Brain Cake]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Brain Cake}}
|Sliceable. Despite the rumours about it containing harmful prions, it actually contains [[Guide to Chemistry|mannitol]]!
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Poppy Pretzel}}[[#Poppy Pretzel|Poppy Pretzel]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Poppy Pretzel}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Donut}}[[#Donut|Donut]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Frosted Donut}}[[#Frosted Donut|Frosted Donut]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Frosted Donut}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Jelly Donut}}[[#Jelly Donut|Jelly Donut]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Jelly Donut}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Jelly Donut}}[[#Cherry Jelly Donut|Cherry Jelly Donut]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cherry Jelly Donut}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Jelly Donut}}[[#Slime Jelly Donut|Slime Jelly Donut]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Slime Jelly Donut}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Chaos Donut}}[[#Chaos Donut|Chaos Donut]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Chaos Donut}}
|'''Warning''' - You never know what kind of donut "flavours" you might get...
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Spacy Liberty Duff}}[[#Spacy Liberty Duff|Spacy Liberty Duff]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Spacy Liberty Duff}}
|Jello gelatin, from Alfred Hubbard's cookbook.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Amanita Jelly}}[[#Amanita Jelly|Amanita Jelly]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Amanita Jelly}}
|'''Warning''' - Toxic (and trippy!)
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fortune Cookie}}[[#Fortune Cookie|Fortune Cookie]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Fortune Cookie}}
===Шоколадки и конфеты===
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" width="80%" style="text-align: center; background-color: #ff9999;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: darkred; color: white;"
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
| style="width:150pt;" | Object
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Название
| style="width:50pt;" | Coverage               
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
| style="width:30pt;" | Brute
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Рецепт
| style="width:30pt;" | Bullet
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Примечание
| style="width:30pt;" | Laser
| style="width:30pt;" | Energy
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Chocolate Bar}}[[#Chocolate Bar|Chocolate Bar]]
| style="width:30pt;" | Bomb
| style="width:30pt;" | Bio
|{{RecursiveFood/Chocolate Bar}}
| style="width:30pt;" | Rad
| style="width:150pt;" | Location
| class="unsortable"   | Description
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Pile of Chocolate}}[[#Pile of Chocolate|Pile of Chocolate]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Pile of Chocolate}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Candy Bar}}[[#Candy Bar|Candy Bar]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Candy Bar}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|%}}[[#Malper Bar|Malper Bar]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Malper Bar}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Tool-erone Bar}}[[#Tool-erone Bar|Tool-erone Bar]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Tool-erone Bar}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Yum-baton Bar}}[[#Yum-baton Bar|Yum-baton Bar]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Yum-baton Bar}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Asteroid Crunch Bar}}[[#Asteroid Crunch Bar|Asteroid Crunch Bar]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Asteroid Crunch Bar}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Toxins Test Bar}}[[#Toxins Test Bar|Toxins Test Bar]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Toxins Test Bar}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Chocolate Coin}}[[#Chocolate Coin|Chocolate Coin]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Chocolate Coin}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Chocolate Cash}}[[#Chocolate Cash|Chocolate Cash]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Chocolate Cash}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Fudge}}[[#Fudge|Fudge]]
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Peanut Fudge}}[[#Peanut Fudge|Peanut Fudge]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Peanut Fudge}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cherry Fudge}}[[#Cherry Fudge|Cherry Fudge]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cherry Fudge}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cookies 'n' Cream Fudge}}[[#Cookies 'n' Cream Fudge|Cookies 'n' Cream Fudge]]
|{{RecursiveFood/Cookies 'n' Cream Fudge}}
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Turtle Fudge}}[[#Turtle Fudge|Turtle Fudge]]
! {{anchor|Security Hats}}[[#Security Hats|Security Hats]]<br>[[File:Sechat.png]]
| Head
|{{RecursiveFood/Turtle Fudge}}
| 40
|Doesn't contain real turtles, thankfully.
| 30
| 30
| 10
| 25
| 0
| 0
| [[Equipment Room]]
| Various headwear worn by security personnel.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Chocolate Egg}}[[#Chocolate Egg|Chocolate Egg]]
! {{anchor|Helmet}}[[#Helmet|Helmet]]<br>[[File:Helmet.png]]
| Head
|{{RecursiveFood/Chocolate Egg}}
| 35
| 30
| 30
| 10
| 25
| 0
| 0
| [[Equipment Room]]
| A standard issue security helmet designed to mitigate the forces of brute impacts against the wearer's head.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Ice Cream Sandwich}}[[#Ice Cream Sandwich|Ice Cream Sandwich]]
! {{anchor|Riot Helmet}}[[#Riot Helmet|Riot Helmet]]<br>[[File:Riothelm.png]]
| Head
|{{RecursiveFood/Ice Cream Sandwich}}
| 50
|How doesn't this melt in the microwave? We just don't know.
| 10
| 10
| 10
| 0
| 0
| 0
| [[Secure Armory]]
| A reinforced riot helmet with improved padding to lessen the effects of blows. Unlike the standard helmet, the riot helmet protects against facehuggers.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Mint}}[[#Mint|Mint]]
! {{anchor|Bulletproof Helmet}}[[#Bulletproof Helmet|Bulletproof Helmet]]<br>[[File:Bullethelm.png]]
| Head
| 15
|It is only wafer thin.
| 60
| 10
| 10
| 40
| 0
| 0
| [[Secure Armory]]
| A reinforced helmet fitted with ceramic plating. Provides ample protection against kinetic weaponry, but unlike the Riot Helmet it does not protect against facehuggers.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Candied Apple}}[[#Candied Apple|Candied Apple]]
! {{anchor|SWAT Helmet}}[[#SWAT Helmet|SWAT Helmet]]<br>[[File:S_helmet.png]]
| Head
|{{RecursiveFood/Candied Apple}}
| 40
| 30
| 30
| 30
| 50
| 90
| 20
| Ordered from [[Cargo]]
| A specialized helmet that comes paired with the SWAT gear. Together with the armour, it allows the user to perform EVA for extended periods of time.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Caramel}}[[#Caramel|Caramel]]
! {{anchor|Security Uniforms}}[[#Security Uniforms|Security Uniforms]]<br>[[File:Secsuit.gif]]
| Body + Limbs
| 10
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| [[Security]]
| Various uniforms worn by security personnel. Security uniforms are interwoven with nanofibres, providing minor protection against blunt-force trauma.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Nougat}}[[#Nougat|Nougat]]
! {{anchor|Body Armor}}[[#Body Armor|Body Armor]]<br>[[File:Normalarmor.png]]
| Upper Body
| 30
| 30
| 30
| 10
| 25
| 0
| 0
| [[Equipment Room]]
| A standard issue suit of body armor. It is designed expressly to provide minimalist, yet valuable, protection to security officers.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Toffee}}[[#Toffee|Toffee]]
! {{anchor|Security Jackets}}[[#Security Jackets|Security Jackets]]<br>[[File:Secjacket.png]]
| Body + Arms
| 15
| 10
| 15
| 5
| 15
| 0
| 0
| Loadout Menu<br>[[Security Pod Bay]]
| A stylish security jacket. While lacking the formidable protection of its body armour counterpart, it provides greater coverage in exchange of protection against explosions.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Taffy}}[[#Taffy|Taffy]]
! {{anchor|Detective's Armor}}[[#Detective's Armor|Detective's Armor]]<br>[[File:Detectivearmor.png]]
| Upper Body
| 30
| 30
| 30
| 10
| 25
| 0
| 0
| [[Detective's Office]]
| A standard issue suit of body armor issued to the detective. It's on par with regular security body armor and simply has a different appearance.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Cotton Candy}}[[#Cotton Candy|Cotton Candy]]
! {{anchor|Detective's Jacket}}[[#Detective's Jacket|Detective's Coat]]<br>[[File:Detjacket.png]]
| Body + Arms
|{{RecursiveFood/Cotton Candy}}
| 25
| 10
| 25
| 10
| 0
| 0
| 0
| [[Detective's Office]]
| An appropriately noir coat for the discerning detective. While lacking the formidable protection of its body armour counterpart, it provides greater coverage.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Flavored Cotton Candy}}[[#Flavored Cotton Candy|Flavored Cotton Candy]]
! {{anchor|Riot Armor}}[[#Riot Armor|Riot Suit]]<br>[[File:Riotarmor.png]]
| Body + Limbs
|{{RecursiveFood/Flavored Cotton Candy}}
| 50
| 10
| 10
| 10
| 0
| 0
| 0
| [[Secure Armory]]
| A heavily reinforced suit of riot grade armour designed to offer maximum protection against melee combatants. The bulk of this suit will slow the wearer down.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Rainbow Cotton Candy}}[[#Rainbow Cotton Candy|Rainbow Cotton Candy]]
! {{anchor|Ablative Armor}}[[#Ablative Armor|Ablative Armor]]<br>[[File:Ablativearmor.png]]
| Upper Body
|{{RecursiveFood/Rainbow Cotton Candy}}
| 10
|The ultimate creation of the cotton candymaking art! Contains Omnizine.
| 10
| 60
| 50
| 0
| 0
| 0
| [[Secure Armory]]
| A specialized suit of experimental armour designed to lessen the impact of, and in certain cases reflect, energy based projectiles.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Bad Rainbow Cotton Candy}}[[#Bad Rainbow Cotton Candy|Bad Rainbow Cotton Candy]]
! {{anchor|Bulletproof Vest}}[[#Bulletproof Vest|Bulletproof Vest]]<br>[[File:Bulletproofvest.png]]
| Upper Body
|{{RecursiveFood/Bad Rainbow Cotton Candy}}
| 15
|'''WARNING''' - Contains toxic Sulfonal!
| 80
| 10
| 10
| 40
| 0
| 0
| [[Secure Armory]]
| A suit of reinforced bulletproof armour designed to protect coverage to vital organs. While not as robust against brute attacks, it provides ample protection against kinetic projectiles.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Gummy Bear}}[[#Gummy Bear|Gummy Bear]]
! {{anchor|SWAT Armor}}[[#SWAT Armor|SWAT Armor]]<br>[[File:SWATarmor.png]]
| Body + Limbs
|{{RecursiveFood/Gummy Bear}}
| 40
| 30
| 30
| 30
| 50
| 90
| 20
| Ordered from [[Cargo]]
| A set of advanced tactical armour. Heavily reinforced, it provides full protection for the body and is capable of extended periods of EVA.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Flavored Gummy Bear}}[[#Flavored Gummy Bear|Flavored Gummy Bear]]
! {{anchor|Warden's Jacket}}[[#Warden's Jacket|Warden's Jacket]]<br>[[File:Wardenjacket.png]]
| Body + Limbs
|{{RecursiveFood/Flavored Gummy Bear}}
| 25
| 15
| 25
| 10
| 25
| 0
| 0
| [[Warden's Office]]
| A specialized jacket provided to the warden. Provides decent all-around protection, but lacks the heavy reinforcement of the HoS' trenchcoat.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Gummy Worm}}[[#Gummy Worm|Gummy Worm]]
! {{anchor|HoS's Armored Trenchcoat}}[[#HoS's Armored Trenchcoat|HoS's Armored Trenchcoat]]<br>[[File:HoSarmor.png]]
| Body + Limbs
|{{RecursiveFood/Gummy Worm}}
| 30
| 30
| 30
| 5
| 25
| 0
| 0
| [[Head of Security's Office]]
| A specialized trenchcoat with extra padding, reinforced seams, and body armour sewn into the fabric. It has the highest armour values out of any standard set of armor on-station.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Flavored Gummy Worm}}[[#Flavored Gummy Worm|Flavored Gummy Worm]]
! {{anchor|Security Hardsuit}}[[#Security Hardsuit|Security Hardsuit]]<br>[[File:Sechardsuit.png]]
| Full Body
|{{RecursiveFood/Flavored Gummy Worm}}
| 35
| 15
| 30
| 10
| 10
| 100
| 50
| [[Secure Armory]]<br>[[Security Pod Bay]]
| A specialized security hardsuit that provides ample resistance against the void of space and other pressure-related environmental hazards.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Jelly Bean}}[[#Jelly Bean|Jelly Bean]]
! {{anchor|Security Biosuit}}[[#Security Biosuit|Security Biosuit]]<br>[[File:Secbiosuit.png]]
| Full Body
|{{RecursiveFood/Jelly Bean}}
| 25
| 15
| 25
| 10
| 25
| 100
| 20
| [[Armory]]
| A specialized security biosuit that provides protection against biological environmental hazards.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Flavored Jelly Bean}}[[#Flavored Jelly Bean|Flavored Jelly Bean]]
! {{anchor|Security EOD Suit}}[[#Security EOD Suit|Security Bomb Suit]]<br>[[File:Seceod.png]]
| Full Body
|{{RecursiveFood/Flavored Jelly Bean}}
| 20
| 0
| 20
| 10
| 100
| 0
| 0
| [[Armory]]
| A heavily reinforced bomb-suit designed to withstand large explosions. Prevents the wearer from being gibbed by explosions.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Gum}}[[#Gum|Gum]]
! {{anchor|Riot Shield}}[[#Riot Shield|Riot Shield]]<br>[[File:Riot.png]]
| Block (50%)
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| [[Secure Armory]]
| A standard-issue riot shield capable of deflecting melee attacks and the occasional xenomorph. Wielding it grants a chance to deflect projectiles as well.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Sucker}}[[#Sucker|Sucker]]
! {{anchor|Telescopic Riot Shield}}[[#Telescopic Riot Shield|Telescopic Riot Shield]]<br>[[File:Teleriot.png]]
| Block (50%)
| N/A
|Also known as a Lollipop
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| [[Head of Security's Office]]<br>Protolathe
| A compact and easily transported riot shield capable of deflecting melee attacks and the occasional xenomorph. Wielding it grants a chance to deflect projectiles as well.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Jaw Breaker}}[[#Jaw Breaker|Jaw Breaker]]
! Energy Shield <br> [[File:Eshield.png]]
| Energy Block (100%)
|{{RecursiveFood/Jaw Breaker}}
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| DeathSquad
| A compact and easily transported personal shield projector capable of deflecting energy projectiles.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Candy Cane}}[[#Candy Cane|Candy Cane]]
! Blood-Red Hardsuit <br> [[File:Syndi Hardsuit.png]]
| Full Body
|{{RecursiveFood/Candy Cane}}
| 40
| 50
| 30
| 15
| 35
| 100
| 50
| Uplink
| The feared suit of a syndicate nuclear agent. Toggling the suit into combat mode will allow you all the mobility of a loose fitting uniform without sacrificing armor. Additionally the suit is collapsible, small enough to fit within a backpack. Comes packaged with internals. Nanotrasen crewmembers are trained to report red space suit sightings, these suits in particular are known to drive employees into a panic.
! Elite Syndicate Hardsuit <br> [[File:Elite_Syndi_Hardsuit.png]]
| Full Body
===Остальные рецепты===
| 60
| 60
{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left; border: 3px solid #A7ED4D; cellspacing=0; cellpadding=2; background-color:white;"
| 50
|+Hover over the names of the components in the recipe column to see their own recipes!
| 25
! scope="col" style="width:150px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Название
| 55
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:50px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Изображение
| 100
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:350px; background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Рецепт
| 70
! scope="col" class="unsortable" style="background-color:#A7ED4D;" |Примечание
| Uplink
| The elite Syndicate hardsuit is worn by elite Syndicate operatives. Features greater armouring to its traditional counterpart along with fireproofing. The combat mode enables greater mobility at the cost of sacrificing space-proofing. Nanotrasen crewmembers are trained to report Syndicate space suit sightings; these suits in particular are known to drive employees into a panic.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|%}}[[#Nutriment|Nutriment]]
! Shielded Syndicate Hardsuit <br> [[File:Syndi_Hardsuit.png]]
| Full Body
| 40
| 50
| 30
| 15
| 35
| 100
| 50
| Uplink
| This hardsuit is identical to its cousin the Blood-Red Hardsuit, however unlike its cousin it features an overshield capable of absorbing the shock from three projectile bullets in a short duration. The shield slowly recharges itself over time, and is capable of deflecting an infinite number of projectiles so long as the shield is given adequate time to charge back up.
! style="background-color:#D0F0C0;" |{{anchor|Living Cat/Cake Hybrid}}[[#Living Cat/Cake Hybrid|Living Cat/Cake Hybrid]]
! Deathsquad Suit <br> [[File:generic_deathsquad.png]]
| Body + Limbs
|{{RecursiveFood/Living Cat/Cake Hybrid}}
| 80
|Eating it would be borderline criminal. Use the crafting system (the small "T" button in the lower-right corner of the screen) with the ingredients in hand or beside you to craft this.
| 80
| 50
| 50
| 100
| 100
| 100
| DeathSquad
| A heavily armed, blood-red and black armor issued only for Deathsquad personnel.
==Кастомная Еда==
Устал от этих готовых рецептов? Хочешь положить странную шнягу в питсу? Не волнуйся, ты можешь делать кастомную еду!
Начни с любого из этих ингредиентов
{| class="wikitable" valign="top"
!Основной ингредиент
!Тип кастомной еды
!Bread slice
!Flat dough
|Personal pizza (не разрезается)
!Boiled spaghetti
|Некоторое что-то на тарелке
Затем возьмите еще один кусочек еды, например, cheese, и добавьте его в основной ингредиент.  Вы можете продолжать добавлять больше ингредиентов в кастомное блюдо до тех пор, пока оно не скажет вам, что добавление дополнительных ингредиентов создаст месиво.
*Витамины восстанавливают кровь, если она находится ниже нормального порога, и лечат грубые и ожоговые повреждения.
*Сахар может уменьшить паралич, оглушение и слабость и может вырабатывать адреналин.
*При передозировке он вызывает нервозность.
*Капсаициновое масло удаляет морозное масло и разогревает организм. Это работает и наоборот.
*Сгущенный капсаицин можно использовать для перцовых аэрозолей.
*Передозировка соли может привести к повреждению мозга.
*Горячий шоколад и горячий рамен согревают тело, если оно холодное.
*Пончики исцеляют грубые повреждения и ожоги службе безопасности.
*Яйца и бобы могут заставить вас пердеть.
*Мёд лечит грубые повреждения и ожоги.
*Концентрированный луковый сок может ослепить человека.
*Полынь лечит все четыре типа повреждений на волшебниках.
*При передозировке портония образуются холестерин, радий и цианид.
*Вы можете использовать машину для мороженого, чтобы изолировать ингредиенты в стакане. Это также удивительно эффективно для превращения ЛЮБОГО химиката в мороженое.
*Рецепты с морковью, как правило, содержат Oculine, который может исцелить повреждение глаз.
*Milk, Berry Juice, Soy Sauce, Hot Sauce, Cold Sauce, и Soy Milk применяются в единицах (units), а не самими контейнерами. То есть реагенты можно наливать непосредственно в микроволновку. Кроме того вам нежно только необходимое количество этих реагентов, а не точно нужное количество.
[[Category: Guides]]

Версия 12:52, 13 октября 2020

Лазерное Оружие

Object Damage Type Damage Location Description
Hybrid Taser
Stun/Stamina 5 Secs/36 Stamina Equipment Room A hybrid taser capable of alternating between a short-ranged taser shot, and long-ranged disabler fire.
Energy Gun
Energy Gun.png
Stamina/Burn 36 Stamina/20 Burn Secure Armory An energy gun capable of toggling between lethal and disabler fire.
Laser Gun
Burn 20 Secure Armory An energy gun with the only firing setting you need in an emergency - kill.
Practice Laser Gun
N/A N/A Firing Range A practice variant of the traditional laser gun. Fires harmless beams of light.
Ion Rifle
Ion Rifle.png
EMP 20 Component Secure Armory A specialized rifle that fires ion bolts which are capable of disrupting and interfering with electronic devices. Damage is applied across all parts/components.
Weaken + Burn 5 Secs + 60 Burn Gamma Armory A high-powered laser carbine equipped with a tactical scope. While the cooling array takes a long time to recharge between shots, it provides exceptional stopping power.
Pulse Rifle
Pulse rifle.gif
Stamina/Burn 36 Stamina/20 Burn (Kill)/50 Burn (DESTROY) DeathSquad A Heavy-duty energy rifle carried by front-line combat soldiers. This comes with three settings: Disable, Kill, and DESTROY. The DESTROY setting will deal additional damage as well as melt walls and various other objects.


Object Damage Type Damage Location Description
Riot Shotgun
Brute Variable Secure Armory A pump-action riot-grade shotgun capable of chambering seven rounds. Can be loaded with various types of ammunition, but is loaded with rubbershot by default. Sawing it off reduces the ammo capacity by four and allows it to fit into bags.
Combat Shotgun
Combat Shotgun.png
Brute Variable Ordered from Cargo A combat-grade shotgun capable of chambering seven rounds. Can be loaded with various types of ammunition but is loaded with buckshot shells by default. Unlike the Riot Shotgun, it does not require manual pumping between shots.
Bulldog Shotgun
N/A Variable Variable A drum-fed shotgun that carts magazines sporting up to eight rounds. Its damage, accuracy, range, and utility varies depending on the type of ammunition utilized. It can be loaded with slugs, buckshot, dragon's breath, or taser shot.

Патроны для Дробовиков

Object Damage Type Damage Location Description
Shotgun - Beanbag
Shotgun shell green.png
Stamina + Brute 80 Stamina + 5 Brute Secure Armory
A shotgun shell fitted with a beanbag. Ideal for non-lethally subduing targets.
Shotgun - Rubbershot

Shotgun shell purple.png
Brute + Stun 5 Brute + 2 Secs Secure Armory
A shotgun shell packed with rubbershot. Ideal for disarming and non-lethally subduing targets. This ammunition is loaded into the Riot Shotgun by default.
Shotgun - Tranquilizer
Shotgun shell blue.png
Chemical N/A Secure Armory A shotgun shell loaded with a haloperidol dart. Though slow-acting, it's ideal for non-lethally subduing targets who use stimulants.
Shotgun - Stun Slug
Shotgun shell yellow.png
Stun 7 Secs Protolathe A non-penetrating shotgun slug that discharges an electrode. Ideal for non-lethally subduing targets.
Shotgun - Slugs
Shotgun shell white.png
Brute 60 Autolathe A highly penetrating shotgun slug. Ideal for greater accuracy and taking down single, highly-armoured targets.
Shotgun - Buckshot
Shotgun shell red.png
Brute 12 (6) Secure Armory
A shotgun shell that spreads into six individual pellets when fired. Ideal for large groups, or where accuracy is an afterthought. Each pellet does 12 brute damage with damage falloff at longer distances.
Shotgun - Incendiary Slug
Shotgun shell orange.png
Brute + Fire 30 + Fire Autolathe A highly penetrating shotgun slug packed with white phosphorous. Ideal for greater accuracy and taking down single, highly-armoured targets.
Shotgun - Tech Dart
Shotgun shell purple.png
Chemical N/A Protolathe An empty shotgun shell with a small ampoule capable of storing up to 15u of any reagent. The reagent will be injected into the target on impact.
Shotgun - Pulse Slug
Shotgun shell tech.png
Burn 40 Protolathe A non-penetrating shotgun slug that discharges plasma on impact. Ideal for targets wearing bullet-resistant armour. Pulse Slugs are also capable of destroying walls on impact.
Shotgun - Ion Slug
Shotgun shell ion.png
EMP 20 Component Crafting A non-penetrating shotgun slug that creates ionic interference on impact. Useful for synthetic targets or to disrupt electrical equipment. Damage is applied across all parts/components.
Drum Magazine - 12g Buckshot
Brute 15 Uplink These rounds are intended for dealing with targets at close quarters. Make sure your firing line is clear, as it's relatively easy to hit friendlies due to the wide spread. Each pellet in a shell deals 15 brute damage with damage falloff the further away a target is.
Drum Magazine - 12g Slugs
Brute 60 Uplink An additional 8-round slug magazine for use in the Bulldog shotgun. Slugs are capable of quickly taking down even the most armoured of targets.
Drum Magazine - 12g Stun Slug
5 secs
Uplink An alternative 8-round stun slug magazine for use in the Bulldog shotgun. Each shell deals 5 brute damage and will stun the person for a moderate amount of time.
Drum Magazine - 12g Dragon's Breath
Uplink An alternative 8-round dragon's breath magazine for use in the Bulldog shotgun. Each shell contains 4 pellet which deal 5 brute damage and sets the target on fire. Additionally the pellets leave a heat trail, raising the temperature of areas they passed by.
Shotgun Ammo Grab Bag
N/A N/A Uplink A bag containing an assortment of ammo drums for the Bulldog Shotgun at a discounted price. Features one Dragon's Breath drum, two Buckshot drums, and six Slug drums.


Object Damage Type Damage Location Description
WT-550 Auto Rifle
Brute Variable Ordered from Cargo An outdated personal defense weapon which feeds from 20-round 4.6x20mm toploader magazines. Can only fire in semi-automatic and has a relatively poor rate of fire for a rifle. Comes loaded with standard 4.6x20mm rounds by default.
Rocket Launcher
Stun + Brute 18 Secs + 25 Brute Gamma Armory A top-loaded rocket launcher. Despite firing explosive shells, the rocket launcher is largely an anti-personnel weapon. The effects of the impact are reduced the farther the target is from the epicentre.
.38 Revolver
Stun + Brute 3 Secs + 5 Brute Detective's Office A .38 revolver issued to the detective that comes loaded with rubber bullets. Each bullet is capable of briefly stunning targets upon impact.
Unica-6 Autorevolver
Brute 60 Brute DeathSquad A military-grade sidearm for some CentCom officers as well as the New Russia Military, this fits on the belt. Holds seven rounds when fully loaded and comes with one set of spare ammo.
C-20r Submachine Gun
Uplink A fully-loaded Scarborough Arms bullpup submachine gun that fires .45 rounds, boasts a 20-round magazine and is compatible with suppressors. Ideal for short to medium range and capable of firing in two round bursts or semi-automatic fire. While it deals low brute damage compared to many other firearms, the stamina damage will stun targets in just two hits making it excellent for keeping crew pinned down for other operatives to finish off.
M-90gl Carbine
Uplink A three-round burst 5.56 toploading carbine, designated 'M-90gl' with an attached underbarrel grenade launcher which can be toggled on and off. An ideal weapon for medium to long range, the M-90gl is capable of effectively stopping targets in as little as two bursts.
L6 Squad Automatic Weapon
Brute 45 / +5 Armor Piercing Uplink A fully-loaded Aussec Armoury belt-fed machine gun. This deadly weapon has a massive 50-round magazine of devastating 5.56x45mm ammunition. It requires two hands to appropriately wield, and holding something in your other hand will cause you to drop the weapon due to recoil.
Sniper Rifle
Variable Variable Uplink A rifle with a very low fire-rate, heavy recoil and devastating damage or effects on whatever its bullets hit. Comes included with a scope that lets you see several tiles ahead at the cost of not being able to spot anyone coming at you from behind. It can also be suppressed if you're planning to be stealthy during your operation. It comes loaded with devastating .50 sniper rounds and can be additionally loaded with Soporific, Hemorrhage or Penetrator rounds. You must also have both hands free to fire this gun!
Toy Submachine Gun
Stamina 25 Uplink Designed for non-lethal operations, the Donksoft SMG is a cheap alternative to most loud weapons and could potentially be used in stealth operations. You can insert a pen into the darts to make them deal five brute damage.
Toy Machine Gun
Stamina 25 Uplink Designed for non-lethal operations, the Donksoft LMG is a cheaper alternative to most loud weapons and could potentially be used in stealth operations. You can insert a pen into the darts to make them deal five brute damage.

Амуниция Огнестрела

Object Damage Type Damage Location Description
WT-550 - Standard Magazine
Brute 20 Ordered from Cargo
The standard 4.6x20mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle.
WT-550 - Armor Piercing

Brute 17 Protolathe A non-standard 4.6x20mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle. While it has less stopping power, it penetrates both bone and armour more readily.
WT-550 - Toxin Tipped
Toxins 15 Protolathe A non-standard 4.6x20mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle. Ideal for highly armoured targets who may not be susceptible to conventional gunfire.
WT-550 - Incendiary
Brute + Fire 20 + Fire Protolathe A non-standard 4.6x20mm 20-round magazine for the WT-550 Auto Rifle. The rounds are packed with white-phosphorous and will ignite a target upon impact.
.38 Revolver - Rubber Shot
Speed loader .38.png
Stun + Brute 3 Secs + 5 Brute Autolathe A six round speedloader for the .38 Revolver. The rounds are rubber, and the speedloader is recyclable.
.38 Revolver - .357 Rounds
Ammo 357.png
Brute 60 Autolathe A six round speedloader containing .357 rounds. While capable of being fired out of the .38 revolver, the difference in cartridge size can cause backfiring.
Rocket Launcher - Rocket
Stun + Brute 18 Secs + 25 Brute Gamma Armory A single rocket for the Gamma Armoury's rocket launcher. Rockets must be manually reloaded into the rocket launcher after firing.
Magazine - .45
Ammo 45.png
Uplink An additional 20 round magazine for the C-20r Submachine Gun.
.45 Ammo Grab Bag
N/A N/A Uplink A bag containing 10 .45 C20r Magazines at a discounted price. A great purchase if you declare war or plan to have all operatives using the C20r SMG.
Toploader Magazine - 5.56
Ammo 556.png
Brute 35 Uplink An additional 30 round magazine for the M-90gl.
Ammo Box - 40mm Grenades
Ammo 40mm.png
Uplink An additional 4 grenade launcher rounds for the M-90gl. Each shell does 60 brute damage on hit, followed by an explosion which can easily dismember a person even if the shell does not hit them directly.
Box Magazine - 5.56x45mm
Ammo 762.png
Brute 45 / +5 Armor Piercing Uplink An additional 50 round magazine for the L6-SAW.
Box of Riot Darts
Stamina 25 Uplink This ammo box contains 40 additional riot foam darts which can be used to load the Toy Submachine Gun or the Toy Machine Gun.
.50 Magazine
Ammo 50cal.png
Brute 70 / +50 Armor Piercing Uplink An additional 6 round .50 magazine for the Sniper Rifle. These bullets will stun anyone they hit, can destroy walls and objects and carry a 50% chance of blowing off whatever limb you're targeting, heads included.
.50 Soporific Magazine
Ammo 50cals.png
Sleep 40 secs Uplink An additional 3 round .50 Soporific magazine for the Sniper Rifle. Rounds deal 0 damage, but instantly put a target to sleep.
.50 Hemorrhage Magazine
Ammo 50calh.png
Brute 15 / +15 Armor Piercing Uplink An additional 5 round .50 Hemorrhage magazine for the Sniper Rifle. On top of 15 brute damage, each shot reduces blood count level by 18%.
.50 Penetrator Magazine
Ammo 50cal.png
Brute 60 / +50 Armor Piercing Uplink An additional 5 round .50 Penetrator magazine for the Sniper Rifle. Each round is capable of penetrating an unlimited number of targets, objects and walls in its path up to a range of 50 tiles.

Оружие Ближнего Боя

Object Damage Type Damage Location Description
Stun Baton
Stun/Brute 7 Secs/10 Brute Equipment Room A standard-issue stunbaton capable of readily subduing targets within melee range.
Telescopic Baton
Stun/Brute 2-3 Secs/10 Brute Head of Security
A baton issued to detectives and Command. It needs to be extended before it can be utilized.
Combat Knife
Brute 20 Ordered from Cargo
Gamma Armory
A razor sharp steel combat knife that comes packaged with the SWAT crate. It can be used either as a melee instrument, or as a throwing weapon.
Energy Sword
Brute 3 inactive
30 active / +35 Armor Piercing
Uplink This is a melee weapon that can do a lot of brute damage. It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket, but it only does about 3 brute damage. Click on it to switch between the two states. It has a 50% chance to block projectiles and melee attacks when active. It has a very distinctive noise when switching states, as well as when using it to commit murder. Don't expect to be hidden for very long after using it.
Double Energy Sword
Brute 3 inactive
34 active / +35 Armor Piercing
Uplink A melee weapon created by attaching two Energy Swords together. It has higher damage and a higher block chance (75%) than the Energy Sword, while also reflecting 100% of energy projectiles while wielded in both hands.


Energy Sword
Brute 30 Brute DeathSquad A special Energy Sword given to Deathsquad operatives. The sword needs to be turned on before it can be used. It also has a chance of deflecting projectiles.
Gloves of the North Star
Brute Standard melee damage for your species. Uplink A pair of Fingerless gloves that allows you to punch dramatically quicker, if you are not holding an item within your hands.
Brute 12 / 24 / 36 Uplink A piston-powered metal fist that is fueled by any gas tank onboard the station. It launches anyone hit by the fist backwards and deals 12 brute damage multiplied by the power setting, which you can adjust with a wrench. The type of gas you use to fuel the fist doesn't alter its behavior, so feel free to use oxygen or air tanks which are easily found across the station. Do note that higher power settings will use more gas, so carrying some spare tanks is a wise idea if you plan to make heavy use of this item. You can remove attached tanks by using a screwdriver.
Stun + Brute 40 Uplink The chainsaw is an extremely lethal and visible weapon. It cannot be stored in a backpack and makes a very noticeable noise when on. When used on a corpse, it will carve them into chunks of meat, leaving nothing to be cloned.
Energy Dagger
Brute 18 Uplink Essentially a more lightweight energy sword. This device can be disguised as a pen to be stored within a PDA when off. It also functions as a pen when turned off.


Object Coverage Brute Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Location Description
Security Hats
Head 40 30 30 10 25 0 0 Equipment Room Various headwear worn by security personnel.
Head 35 30 30 10 25 0 0 Equipment Room A standard issue security helmet designed to mitigate the forces of brute impacts against the wearer's head.
Riot Helmet
Head 50 10 10 10 0 0 0 Secure Armory A reinforced riot helmet with improved padding to lessen the effects of blows. Unlike the standard helmet, the riot helmet protects against facehuggers.
Bulletproof Helmet
Head 15 60 10 10 40 0 0 Secure Armory A reinforced helmet fitted with ceramic plating. Provides ample protection against kinetic weaponry, but unlike the Riot Helmet it does not protect against facehuggers.
SWAT Helmet
S helmet.png
Head 40 30 30 30 50 90 20 Ordered from Cargo A specialized helmet that comes paired with the SWAT gear. Together with the armour, it allows the user to perform EVA for extended periods of time.
Security Uniforms
Body + Limbs 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Security Various uniforms worn by security personnel. Security uniforms are interwoven with nanofibres, providing minor protection against blunt-force trauma.
Body Armor
Upper Body 30 30 30 10 25 0 0 Equipment Room A standard issue suit of body armor. It is designed expressly to provide minimalist, yet valuable, protection to security officers.
Security Jackets
Body + Arms 15 10 15 5 15 0 0 Loadout Menu
Security Pod Bay
A stylish security jacket. While lacking the formidable protection of its body armour counterpart, it provides greater coverage in exchange of protection against explosions.
Detective's Armor
Upper Body 30 30 30 10 25 0 0 Detective's Office A standard issue suit of body armor issued to the detective. It's on par with regular security body armor and simply has a different appearance.
Detective's Coat
Body + Arms 25 10 25 10 0 0 0 Detective's Office An appropriately noir coat for the discerning detective. While lacking the formidable protection of its body armour counterpart, it provides greater coverage.
Riot Suit
Body + Limbs 50 10 10 10 0 0 0 Secure Armory A heavily reinforced suit of riot grade armour designed to offer maximum protection against melee combatants. The bulk of this suit will slow the wearer down.
Ablative Armor
Upper Body 10 10 60 50 0 0 0 Secure Armory A specialized suit of experimental armour designed to lessen the impact of, and in certain cases reflect, energy based projectiles.
Bulletproof Vest
Upper Body 15 80 10 10 40 0 0 Secure Armory A suit of reinforced bulletproof armour designed to protect coverage to vital organs. While not as robust against brute attacks, it provides ample protection against kinetic projectiles.
SWAT Armor
Body + Limbs 40 30 30 30 50 90 20 Ordered from Cargo A set of advanced tactical armour. Heavily reinforced, it provides full protection for the body and is capable of extended periods of EVA.
Warden's Jacket
Body + Limbs 25 15 25 10 25 0 0 Warden's Office A specialized jacket provided to the warden. Provides decent all-around protection, but lacks the heavy reinforcement of the HoS' trenchcoat.
HoS's Armored Trenchcoat
Body + Limbs 30 30 30 5 25 0 0 Head of Security's Office A specialized trenchcoat with extra padding, reinforced seams, and body armour sewn into the fabric. It has the highest armour values out of any standard set of armor on-station.
Security Hardsuit
Full Body 35 15 30 10 10 100 50 Secure Armory
Security Pod Bay
A specialized security hardsuit that provides ample resistance against the void of space and other pressure-related environmental hazards.
Security Biosuit
Full Body 25 15 25 10 25 100 20 Armory A specialized security biosuit that provides protection against biological environmental hazards.
Security Bomb Suit
Full Body 20 0 20 10 100 0 0 Armory A heavily reinforced bomb-suit designed to withstand large explosions. Prevents the wearer from being gibbed by explosions.
Riot Shield
Block (50%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Secure Armory A standard-issue riot shield capable of deflecting melee attacks and the occasional xenomorph. Wielding it grants a chance to deflect projectiles as well.
Telescopic Riot Shield
Block (50%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Head of Security's Office
A compact and easily transported riot shield capable of deflecting melee attacks and the occasional xenomorph. Wielding it grants a chance to deflect projectiles as well.
Energy Shield
Energy Block (100%) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DeathSquad A compact and easily transported personal shield projector capable of deflecting energy projectiles.
Blood-Red Hardsuit
Syndi Hardsuit.png
Full Body 40 50 30 15 35 100 50 Uplink The feared suit of a syndicate nuclear agent. Toggling the suit into combat mode will allow you all the mobility of a loose fitting uniform without sacrificing armor. Additionally the suit is collapsible, small enough to fit within a backpack. Comes packaged with internals. Nanotrasen crewmembers are trained to report red space suit sightings, these suits in particular are known to drive employees into a panic.
Elite Syndicate Hardsuit
Elite Syndi Hardsuit.png
Full Body 60 60 50 25 55 100 70 Uplink The elite Syndicate hardsuit is worn by elite Syndicate operatives. Features greater armouring to its traditional counterpart along with fireproofing. The combat mode enables greater mobility at the cost of sacrificing space-proofing. Nanotrasen crewmembers are trained to report Syndicate space suit sightings; these suits in particular are known to drive employees into a panic.
Shielded Syndicate Hardsuit
Syndi Hardsuit.png
Full Body 40 50 30 15 35 100 50 Uplink This hardsuit is identical to its cousin the Blood-Red Hardsuit, however unlike its cousin it features an overshield capable of absorbing the shock from three projectile bullets in a short duration. The shield slowly recharges itself over time, and is capable of deflecting an infinite number of projectiles so long as the shield is given adequate time to charge back up.
Deathsquad Suit
Generic deathsquad.png
Body + Limbs 80 80 50 50 100 100 100 DeathSquad A heavily armed, blood-red and black armor issued only for Deathsquad personnel.