Руководство по вирусологии

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Итак вы хотите быть вирусологом, создателем смертельного полезного вируса? Или просто хотите лечить вирусы заражающие станцию? Тогда это руководство для вас! Здесь вы узнаете, как создавать вирусы и как их лечить.

Вирусология изолирована от остальных частей станции. Она не подключена как общей системе выброса мусора, так и к общей системе вентиляции.

Вирусология 101

Если вы становитесь вирусологом впервые, прочитайте эту часть очень внимательно!


Каждый вирус ведёт себя по-разному, от искусственно-созданных лабораторных вирусов до вызванных событием болезней. Многие вирусы могут самостоятельно распространяться на других гуманоидов рядом с носителем тем или иным путём. Этими путями передачи являются:

  • Воздушно-капельный (Airborne) - Самый опасный и быстро-распространяющийся, если вы находитесь в области дыхания инфицированного члена экипажа, у вас есть шанс заразиться. Ношение Средств Защиты Дыхания останавливает дальнейшее заражение.
  • Прямой Контакт (Direct Contact) - Требуется коснуться, быть тронутым или быть экстремально близко к источнику инфекции. Инфекция будет распространяться по коже и телесным жидкостям зараженного существа, но не сможет долго выживать в воздухе. Ношение защитной одежды и избежание инфицированных - хорошие пути не заразиться.
  • Кровь (Blood) - Инфекция будет распространяться через кровь инфицированного существа. Beneficial viruses usually fall under this category.
  • Особый (Special) - Болезнь не имеет обычного пути распространения и пораженный ею член экипажа заражается от нечеловеческого источника. Вы можете работать с зараженными без риска для себя, пока те не представят вас перед тем-же источником болезни, что заразил их.

Все вирусы, распространяющиеся через кровь или путём выше передаются при введении гуманоиду инфицированного образца крови с использованием шприца, таблетки, разных видов зараженной пищи/напитков или с использованием вирусологического устройства синдиката средства для ввода вирусов (Viral Injector). Дымовые гранаты или шприцемёты не сработают. Любой вирус или вакцина требуют лишь сколько-нибудь жидкости для того, чтобы заразить или вылечить кого-нибудь, 0.1 единицы (Units) хватит.

Каждый вирус также требует принять больному некоторое количество химикатов для его излечения. Посмотрите Список Болезней чтобы узнать, чем лечатся известные вирусы. Есть шанс, что вирус вылечится сразу, как химикаты окажутся в теле у гуманоида. Как только больной вылечивается, он приобретает иммунитет к этому вирусу и будет иметь иммунную защиту до тех пор, пока его не клонируют или он не окажется в другом теле. Хорошей идеей будет взять образец крови у существа, которое вы излечили, чтобы сделать вакцину. Посмотрите Лечим Вирус, чтобы узнать подробности.


Следующие предметы понадобятся вам для исследований:

  • Beaker.png Мензурка (Beaker) (для смешивания вирусов, хранения болезней и химикатов)
  • 43x43пкс Пипетка (Dropper or Pipette) (для точного измерения единиц, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по пипетке, чтобы выбрать их количество)
  • Pen.png Ручка (Pen) (для выставления пометок на ваши мензурки)
  • Virus sample.png Образец Вируса (Flu or Rhinovirus Culture Bottle) (для создания вируса, находится в вашем умном холодильнике (Smartfridge))
  • Biobag.png Изолирующий Мешок (Biobag) (для хранения ваших вирусных образцов и мензурок)


Если вирус начал распространяться по станции (или вам нужно протестировать какую-то гадость на обезьянах), вам следует держать ваше рабочее место и себя в чистоте и безопасности. Сделать это вам помогут следующие предметы:

  • Biohood virology.png Капюшон Биологической Угрозы 3-его Уровня (Level-3 Bio Hood) (против вирусов через Прямой Контакт)
  • Biosuit virology.png Костюм Биологической Угрозы 3-его Уровня (Level-3 Bio Suit) (против вирусов через Прямой Контакт)
  • 32px Средства Защиты Дыхания (Internals) (против Воздушно-капельных вирусов)
  • LGloves.png Латексные Перчатки (Latex Gloves) (против вирусов через Прямой Контакт)
  • Sterilemask.png Стерильная Маска (Sterile mask) (против Воздушно-капельных вирусов)

Pandm.gifPanD.E.M.I.C 2200

Это ваш лучший друг во время работы вирусологом. Этот электронный задира покажет вам, что находится в образце. Он также может клонировать любой вирус для дальнейшего пользования исследования. С этой машиной вы можете делать следующие вещи

  • Посмотреть информацию о вирусе, который вы засунули в неё.
  • Сделать новый образец вируса для дальнейшего пользования (пользуйтесь этим для создания Модифицированных Болезней).
  • Создавать вакцины используя кровь пациента, который был исцелён от первоначального вируса.
  • Дать название Модифицированной Болезни, если его еще нет.
  • Распечатать отчёт о вирусе с названием.

Лечим Вирус

Итак вам было поручено вылечить вирус, который finally purging наносит вред обитателям станции? Тогда вы находитесь всего в паре шагов от того, чтобы стать невоспетым героем!

Исцеляем Первого Больного

First priority is finding the crewmember who is infected and getting him to medbay into isolation as fast as possible. It is easier to cure a singular person compared to curing a whole station. Once you have the infected you will want to get the cure in him as soon as possible. Once he is cured you will have to take a blood sample for the next step. Some patients might need some persuasion to help you cure them.

Создаём Вакцину

Once you have the blood of a cured subject you can start mass producing the cure. To do this you will need the PanD.E.M.I.C 2200.

  1. Put the blood in the PanD.E.M.I.C 2200. A syringe can be put into the machine
  2. Click on the create vaccine button next to the virus you want to make the vaccine for. If the blood contains multiple antibodies to different viruses you will have more than one option.
  3. Repeat till you have enough vaccine.
  4. Bring the bottles to the Chemists so they can pill the vaccine into pills. Make sure that they call it a suiting name else it might get lost in a pile of pills without people knowing what it actually cures.

A vaccine is spread just like a virus. So you can just take a sip from the bottle to cure yourself.

Распространяем Вакцину

Curing the infected will be easy once you have the vaccine. A single dose of for example 1 unit will cure anybody and will make non infected immune to the virus. Be sure to get everybody cured otherwise bad things can happen.

Список Болезней

Thankfully, humanity has managed to cure and eliminate almost all of the diseases that plagued its infancy. However, the vast reaches of space have been found to harbor new illnesses that can affect the unprepared staff on Nanotrasen research stations.

Disease Name Vector Name Description Spread Cure Event
Alien Parasite Xenomorph An uncommon infection, caused by alien attacks. A facehugger has implanted an embryo inside of the body of the victim, which will grow until it kills and destroys the body while spawning a larva. Special Surgery X
Beesease Apidae Infection A vicious disease which causes minor toxin damage followed by the host uncontrollably vomiting bees. The created bees are incredibly ill-tempered and will attack anyone they can, including the host. Contact Sugar
Beserker Jagged Crystals This virus causes the host to shout with anger and punch those around them at random. When curing this disease, it's probably best you hand the affected person the medicine and then get out of punching range. Not Contagious Haloperidol X
Brainrot Cryptococcus Cosmosis An infection that causes mental degradation and will cause the host to collapse in its later stages. Contact Mannitol
Cold XY-rhinovirus Still around since the dawn of man, this disease is relativity harmless, causing fatigue and a runny nose. Will progress to the Flu when untreated. Airborne Spaceacillin
Cold9 ICE9-rhinovirus A rare disease that will progressively lower the victim's body temperature in addition to respiratory symptoms such as sneezing and coughing. Contact Spaceacillin X
Flu H13N1 Flu Virion A common illness which causes fatigue, high fever, and muscle aches. Rarely fatal but quickly spread and will cause minor toxin and organ damage. Having an affected patient rest can slow the progress of this virus. Airborne Spaceacillin
Food Poisoning Salmonella This illness is most commonly contracted by eating poorly prepared food and will cause weakness, stomach aches, and vomiting. This sickness will eventually pass on its own without a cure but can be more quickly fixed with either chicken soup or bed rest. Not Contagious Chicken Soup or sleeping X
Fungal Tuberculosis Fungal Tubercle Bacillus Cosmosis A rare highly transmittable virulent virus. Few samples exist, rumoured to be carefully grown and cultured by clandestine bio-weapon specialists. Causes fever, vomiting, loss of breath, confusion, weight loss, and fatigue. Airborne Spaceacillin & Salbutamol X
"GBS" Gravitokinetic Bipotential SADS- A virus which has evolved to mimic the deadly GBS virus. Unlike the actual gibbing virus however, this virus causes no damage and will never be fatal to the host. Contact Diphenhydramine & Sulfur
GBS Gravitokinetic Bipotential SADS+ An extremely dangerous illness caused by contagious micro-singularities that will cause the human body to be torn apart from the inside. The initial phase begins in the lungs and mimics flu symptoms. Contact Diphenhydramine & Sulfur X
Grave Fever Grave Dust A unique disease linked to the entities known as vampires. This disease will causes progressively more severe amounts of toxin damage, weakness, and oxygen deprivation as it progresses. Not Contagious Spaceacillin X
Jungle Fever Kongey Vibrion M-909 One of the most feared diseases in the galaxy, this is a disease carried by primates. A single bite or scratch is enough to fully infect a human. The result is spontaneous genetic reversion, and the affected individual will also become a monkey. Special Bananas X
Kingstons Syndrome Nya Virus A relative fast spreading virus which makes subjects act like feline at earlier stages. At the last stage it will transforming a Tajaran. The victim will afterwards continue to have innate feline issues like coughing up hairballs. Airborne Milk X
Magnitis Fukkos Miracos An infection of magnetic bacteria that build up in the body. As the disease progresses any metallic items not bolted down near the infected person will be pulled toward them, even objects as large as canisters. Ingested iron will draw the bacteria to it and allow them to be excreted normally. Airborne Iron
Non-Contagious GBS Gibbis A weaponized version of the GBS virus used by enemies of the corporation in assassination plots. The symptoms are identical to the more naturally occuring GBS virus. Not Contagious Cryoxadone X
Pierrot's Throat H0NI<42 Virus A brain disease that was brought back with the original explorers of Clown Planet that damages the basal ganglia, victims will have an uncontrollable urge to HONK. Airborne Bananas
Retrovirus Unknown This virus causes minor paralysis and odd sensations in the host during its early stages. Once sufficiently matured, the virus scrambles the hosts genetic data which can lead to horrible mutations. Sufficient amounts of bedrest also hold the potential to cure this disease. Contact Mutadone X
Rhumba Beat Unknown A truely horrifying virus which causes the host to be compelled to rhythmically Rhumba before exploding violently. This virus seems to be a derivative of the feared GBS virus but with more dancing involved. Contact Plasma X
Robotic Transformation R2D2 Nanomachines A rare infection caused by nanomachines in certain foods, effectively kills the infected as their body becomes metallic and their skin sloughs off before turning them into a cyborg. Spread Copper X
Severe Anxiety Excess Lepidopticides A mysterious disease which causes confusion and jitteriness. When fully matured, this virus casues the host to cough up butterflies. Contact Ethanol
Spanish Inquisition Flu 1nqu1s1t10n Flu Virion A rare and deadly form of flu that causes an incredibly high fever. Those infected will die of internal organ burns without treatment or religious absolution. Airborne Spaceacillin
Space Kuru Prions An incredibly dangerous and often weaponized virus. Prions are found in food containing brains or in specialized bottles of poison used by enemies of Nanotrasen. The virus causes uncontrollable laughter, convulsions and will eventually kill the host. Not Contagious Incurable X
Xenomorph Transformation Rip-LEY Alien Microbes A rare infection caused by xeno-microbes in certain foods, changing the infected's DNA to that of a xenomorph hunter. Symptoms include severe pain and progressive insanity. Special Spaceacillin & Glycerol X
Wizarditis Rincewindus Vulgaris A rare illness, causes spontaneous robe growth, randomly speaking incantations, and finally random teleportation. Airborne The Manly Dorf X

Создаём Вирус

You will be spending most of your time doing this part. Either for good or for worse.

Модифицированные Болезни (Advanced Diseases)

An advanced virus works a bit different compared to a "normal" virus. The most significant differences are.

  • You can only have one advanced virus per person
  • You can mutate advanced viruses using chemicals
  • You can combine advanced viruses together

An advanced virus can have up to 6 symptoms. You do this by mixing two virus samples together. By the powers of RNG you can get the desired outcome.
A virus has a set of statistics which all symptoms will influence and some symptoms will be more effective with certain stats.

  • Stealth, if the virus is visible to scanners or other devices
  • Resistance, how hard it is to cure the virus
  • Stage Speed, how fast the virus will reach its final stage making it act faster
  • Transmittable, what the virus uses to spread to other victims

Every symptom added will influence the statistics of the virus. Having more symptoms will lower the Transmittable and Resistance statistic. Thus having more symptoms is not always better in some cases. See Understanding Stats for more info.

Проектируем Идеальный Вирус

So you think you are ready to make a virus that can finally get rid of that abomination benefit the crew? Before you start ensure that you have thought of a set of symptoms you want the virus to have. Once you have the symptoms you can begin. The general method to get a symptom goes as follows.

  1. Get a virus sample in a beaker. Use the Dropper or pipette for this.
  2. Add 1 unit of the chemical you need for the symptom to the beaker. This makes the virus mutate a new random symptom.
  3. Put the sample in the PanD.E.M.I.C 2200 and see if you got the symptom you need. If so make a new culture. Naming your cultures accordingly will help you long term.
  4. Optional, remove the unwanted symptom using Diphenhydramine.

Doing this for each symptom in one virus sample will lead to a virus with a maximum of 5 symptoms, after the 4th symptom it will not be certain if the 5th will be generated or will replace an existing one. If you want to get the maximum out of your virus you can make two different virus samples with a combined symptom number of 6 and combine those till the result has all 6 symptoms.


Once you have your new designer virus you should get it approved by the CMO (Chief Medical Officer) as per Standard Operation Procedure. The PanD.E.M.I.C 2200 can make a form for you once you name the virus using the machine. A virus that spreads should be approved by the captain and vaccines should be prepared prior to releasing for crew that does not want to be infected by the virus.

Выпускаем Вирус

So you got the approval of your superior? Perfect! Now it is time to yell at the Chemists once more. They will be able to put the virus samples you made into pills. Be sure to remind them to name the virus! Else it will be called "Blood (1u)" which on its own is not that appealing.


The chemicals listed below are used when creating an advanced virus. Spending the time to make the specialised chemicals (for example Sucrose Agar) will reward you kindly.

Name Level Description
Virus Rations 1 Mix Virus Food and Diphenhydramine.
Virus Food 1/2 Obtainable from the Virus Food Dispenser.
Unstable Mutagen 2/3 Created by Chemists.
Mutagenic Agar 3 Mix Virus Food and Unstable Mutagen.
Sucrose Agar 4 Mix Mutagenic Agar and Sugar. Alternatively, you can use Saline Glucose instead of Sugar to make it.
Plasma Dust 5/6 Created by grinding Solid Plasma (retrieved from the Cargo) in your blender.
Weakened Virus Plasma 5 Mix Virus Plasma and Diphenhydramine.
Virus Plasma 6 Mix Virus Food and Plasma Dust.
Diphenhydramine - Created by Chemists or found in the NanoMed Plus. Removes one random symptom.

Таблица Симптомов

Symptom Stealth Resistance Stage speed Transmittable Level Required Raw Chemical Effect
Alopecia -1 - 1 -1 2 4 Unstable Mutagen Causes rapid hair loss.
Anti-Bodies Metabolism -1 -1 -1 -4 3 Unstable Mutagen Cures all diseases (except itself) and creates anti-bodies for them until itself dies.
Choking -3 -2 -2 -4 3 Unstable Mutagen Causes spikes of oxygen deprivation. Deals damage based on stage speed and stealth.
Coughing -1 3 1 2 1 Virus Food Will force the affected mob to drop small items when coughing!
Confusion 1 -1 -3 0 4 Unstable Mutagen Makes the affected mob be confused for short periods of time.
Deafness -1 -2 -1 -3 4 Unstable Mutagen Causes intermittent loss of hearing.
Dizziness 2 -2 -3 -1 4 Unstable Mutagen Shakes the affected mob's screen for short periods.
Eternal Youth 3 4 4 -4 5 Plasma Dust Makes you never physically older than young adulthood and prevents death by old age.
Facial Hypertrichosis -3 -1 -3 -1 4 Unstable Mutagen Makes you grow a massive beard, regardless of gender.
Fever 0 3 3 2 2 Virus Food Heats up your body, based on transmittability and stealth.
Hallucinogen -2 -3 -3 -1 5 Plasma Dust Makes the affected mob be hallucinated for short periods of time. Available in Virus Crates.
Headache -1 4 2 0 1 Virus Food Displays an annoying message! Should be used for buffing your disease.
Hyphema -1 -4 -4 -3 5 Plasma Dust Inflicts eye damage over time. Causes blindness if left unchecked.
Itching 0 3 3 1 1 Virus Food Displays an annoying message! Should be used for buffing your disease.
Longevity 3 4 4 4 3 Unstable Mutagen After a certain amount of time the disease will cure itself. Will immensely buff your disease.
Necrotizing Fasciitis -3 -4 0 -4 6 Plasma Dust Causes brute damage over time, with more brute damage the less the virus' stealth is. Fatal if left untreated.
Sensory Restoration -1 -3 -2 -4 4 Unstable Mutagen Body starts to create its own Oculine, healing eye damage.
Revitiligo -3 -1 -1 -2 4 Unstable Mutagen Makes the mob gain skin pigmentation.
Self-Respiration 1 -3 -3 -4 6 Plasma Dust Body starts to create its own Salbutamol, effectively making oxygen unnecessary.
Shivering 0 2 2 2 2 Virus Food Cools down your body based on stealth and resistance.
Sneezing -2 3 0 4 1 Virus Food Forces a spread type of AIRBORNE with extra range!
Spontaneous Combustion 1 -4 -4 -4 6 Plasma Dust Sets your body on fire periodically, with amount of stacks based on stage speed, minus stealth.
Toxic Compensation 1 -4 -4 -2 4 Unstable Mutagen Slowly converts brute/fire damage to toxin.
Toxic Filter 1 -4 -4 -4 6 Plasma Dust Heals toxins in the affected mob's blood stream, based on stage speed. Available in Virus Crates.
Vitiligo -3 -1 -1 -2 4 Unstable Mutagen Makes the mob lose skin pigmentation.
Voice Change -2 -3 -3 -1 6 Plasma Dust Changes the voice of the affected mob. Causing confusion in communication. Available in Virus Crates.
Vomiting -2 -1 0 1 3 Unstable Mutagen Forces the affected mob to vomit! Makes the affected mob lose nutrition and heal toxin damage.
Blood Vomiting -2 -1 -1 1 4 Unstable Mutagen Forces the affected mob to vomit blood! Makes the affected mob lose health.
Projectile Vomiting -2 -1 0 1 4 Unstable Mutagen Forces the affected mob to vomit with a larger spread! Makes the affected mob lose nutrition and heal toxin damage.
Weakness -1 -1 -2 -2 3 Unstable Mutagen Deals stamina damage to the host.
Weight Loss -3 -2 -2 -2 3 Unstable Mutagen Decreases the weight of the mob, forcing it to be skinny.
Viral Self-Adaptation 3 5 -3 0 3 Unstable Mutagen Massively buffs the adaptation of viruses, causing it to be stealthier, harder to cure but slower acting.
Viral Evolutionary Acceleration -2 -3 5 3 3 Unstable Mutagen Massively buffs the evolutionary cycle of viruses, causing it to be faster acting, better at infecting, but more easily detected and cured.
Mind restoration -1 -4 -4 -3 5 Plasma Dust Restores mob's senses by fixing brain damage, purging alcohol, LSD and histamine from the body and fixing brain damage.

Значение Характеристик

Every virus has a baseline for the statistics which the symptoms will add onto.

Stealth Resistance Stage speed Transmittable
0 1 1 1

After you are done mixing your disease, stats from the symptoms are added together to make disease stats. Here is what exactly they do:

  • Stealth of 2 or highter will hide your disease from MedHUDs, Health Analyzers and Full Body Scanners. Stealth of 3 or higher will hide it from PanD.E.M.I.C 2200 machine.
  • Transmission is determined as follows: (disease's transmission - amount of symptoms). 1 or less is blood, 2-4 is contact (2 is by feet, 3 is by hands and 4 is touch in general), 5 or more is airbone. However, sneezing will allow the virus to spread airborne once it reaches stage 4.
  • Chance of advancing a stage per tick is 2% or stage speed, whichever is higher.
  • Cure depends on resistance and amount of symptoms: resistance - (amount of symptoms / 2)
1 or less 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 or more
Sodium Chloride (Salt) Sugar Orange juice Spaceacilin Saline-Glucose Solution Ethanol Teporone Diphenhydramine Lipolicide Silver Gold
  • Chance of it being cured every tick is 15 - resistance, but always between 10 and 20.
  • Transmission affects how much protective gear you must have to protect yourself from it.