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Основная информация
Родной мир: Урлум
Язык: Орлуум (:%)
Система: Лира Индус
Рост: 220 см
Время жизни: Неизвестно
Дыхание: Кислород
Игровые Механики
  • Могут есть мыло
  • Сердце расположено в голове
  • Регенерируют в холодном воздухе
  • Хорошо видят в темноте (до 6 м)
  • Невосприимчивы к холоду
  • Вспышки насосят увеличенный урон глазам
  • Урон от огня на 200% больше

Драск (множ. Драски) - раса гуманоидных хладнокровных существ. Драски происходят с планеты Урлум, покрытой льдом, где средняя температура воздуха составляет -80°С.

Драск и ВЫ

Приветствую, уважаемый член экипажа!

В целях стимулирования межвидового сотрудничества и повышения эффективности на рабочем месте, NanoTrasen составила серию полезных руководств по разным расам, с которыми Вам, скорее всего, придется работать!

(ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Если вы являетесь представителем вида, к которому относится данное руководство, пожалуйста, передайте его ближайшему члену экипажа другого вида).

Это руководство относится к существам, известным как драски.

Схема именования драсков

Драски именуют себя сочетаниями из трех слов, по произношению подобными мычанию, как, например, “Vrrm-Viisk-Oom”, и степень сложности произношения их имен разнится.

Физиология драсков

Драски являются двуногими гуманоидами. Их отличительной особенностью является способность выживать при очень низких температурах (причем, они даже отдают предпочтение проживать в таких местах). Тела драсков покрыты толстой ледообразной тканью, которая обычно имеет синеватый оттенок в спектре от темного до почти белого тона. Окрас этой ткани зависит от генетических особенностей конкретного индивида и влияет на показатель преломления их кожи. Вполне комично, что некоторые из представителей расы драсков за счет низкого показателя являются предметом внимания воксов, известных по своей натуре тягостью к блестящим предметам, словно сороки.

Драски обладают уникальным метаболизмом, эффективность которого зависит в обратной пропорции от показателя температуры, даже когда температура достигает абсолютного нуля (-273°С). Предварительные медицинские обследования также показали способность драсков к молниеносной регенерации при попадании холодного воздуха в их дыхательную систему. В силу данных особенностей драски не разделяют кулинарные вкусы представителей других рас и предпочитают охлажденные или замороженные блюда. Комнатная температура является некомфортной для них, а теплая или горячая пища может спровоцировать тошноту. Вкусовые предпочтения драсков кардинально отличаются от тех, что присущи остальным расам; множество специалистов-ксенобиологов отмечают, что драски предпочитают пресные, пересоленные или вовсе едкие блюда. Несмотря на такие различия во вкусах, драски также выражают свою любовь к некоторым блюдам различных кухонь, в частности, мороженому, цитрусовым фруктам, мяте, огурцам и, как ни странно, мылу.

В отличие от остальных рас, драски имеют три глаза. Два из них расположены чуть выше их “морды”, третий - на середине лба. Удивительно, но в их глазах прижились и обитают биолюминесцентные симбиотические микробы, которые живут в состоянии, подобном анабиозу, в глазной жидкости и лимфе драсков; цвет глаз, испускаемый этими микробами, у каждого индивида разный. Из-за далекой расположенности их планеты от звезды и в силу подземного образа жизни их зрение адаптировано к тусклому освещению, хотя они также способны привыкнуть и к яркой среде, особенно если носят солнечные очки, чтобы не получить ожога сетчатки.

Драски обладают довольно крупным телосложением, достигают роста до 2 метров, но имеют длинные и тонкие руки со слабой мышечной структурой. На их ледообразной коже почти отсутствуют нервные окончания, поэтому для поддержания тактильных ощущений им приходится полагаться на мягкие ткани, опоясывающие их суставы. На каждом предплечье у них расположено по паре шипов, которые очень чувствительны и наполнены той же микробной жидкостью, что и их глаза, за счет чего являются важными сенсорными органами и индикаторами настроения. На руках у драсков по четыре длинных пальца, два из которых являются большими и противопоставлены.

Хотя зарегистрированный возраст разных групп драсков сильно разнится, все, кто рожден вне своей родной планеты, не достигли 85 лет, с момента заключения дипломатических соглашений, положившим начало трудоустройства драсков в корпорации вне своей планеты и массовой миграции оных в системы скреллов и людей. Возраст драсков, проживающих на Урлуме, составляет от 60 до 3000 лет. По сравнению с людскими стандартами, у драсков куда больший разрыв между поколениями, поскольку драски достигают половой зрелости только в 30 лет (хотя взрослеют намного раньше). Это обусловлено давлением социальных и ресурсных аспектов, закрепленных на Урлуме.

Драски сексуально аморфны и обладают всеми репродуктивными органами для соития с партнером. Однако, в рамках адаптации к обществам, имеющим гендеры, драски, в зависимости от личных предпочтений, могут выбрать мужскую или женскую одежду. Драски носят минимум одежды, чтобы не испытывать проблем с тактильным восприятием и излишним утеплением, хотя некоторые жертвуют комфортом в угоду стиля, а другие ценят выбор одежды других рас, защищающей от жары и способствующей естественному охлаждению тела.

The Orluum Language

The Drask speak in a humming, droning language known as Orluum, which sounds similar to whalesong and is ubiquitous through their society.

It can be a simple hum as akin to their naming structure or loud sounds that other species might just see as noise.

The Drask Homeworld

Hoorlm is a rocky planet covered in a thick layer of ice, orbiting the star Raarumvaar (Previously known as 381-Theta-Theta) at an average distance of 10.33 AU. About 1.9 times the size of Earth, Hoorlm is geologically active to a degree, with small-scale volcanic activity dotted throughout the planet, assisting with the formation of fissures and caverns that house much of the ecology. However, seldom do volcanic peaks break the icy surface, and the stark cold prevents their emissions from forming more than a tenuous atmosphere at surface level.

Drask live in large city-states on their icy planet, at current it is estimated that around 600 million individuals are present on Hoorlm. While capable of building on the surface, Drask prefer the dense, more breathable atmosphere found underground, often creating large subterranean networks of tunnels serving as cities. The planet’s many volcanic vents and fissures serve as the lifeblood of most of these cities, providing the basis of a chemotrophic ecosystem (and thus agriculture), and also a source of geothermal energy (though nuclear power is common as well).

Aside from a few close neighbors, or sites connected by ancient trade routes, railways, or mega-tunnels, most of the city-states have had little more than radio contact with each other for centuries. As such, only a handful of the very largest are active in space affairs, though there is fierce competition for off-world opportunities. Any Drask found in space likely originates from one of three city-states, Kvviimmrrrmoogg, Viim-vaarooomunnm or Umumvarr (or are descended from Drask who are). It is likely that primitive holdouts at various levels of technology exist, from both more advanced Drask encountering them in the past and recent alien explorers finding them. While any Drask who engaged in the nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle of their species dawn have long since either settled down or died, populations of undiscovered Drask can exist at any tech level following the discovery of agriculture. Such holdouts who have been found are valuable scientific resources, helping to fill gaps in the sparse written records or the conflicting accounts of different Elders.

A Brief History Draskflag.png


The Drask evolved in a chemical environment drastically different than most other carbon-based life. Though liquid water is rare on their planet today, it is hypothesized that life first emerged on Hoorlm around hydrothermal vents in an ancient, subglacial ocean.

The history of Drask is poorly documented, as each separate state has traditionally relied on the living memory of its Elders. And with infrequent communication between many of them, and their conflicting accounts, it is hard to make out a coherent summary of the whole thing. As best as can be made out, the Drask once lived in small groups, migrating between fissures and ice caves that served as oases on the desolate surface, but eventually learned to farm chemotrophic microorganisms deep underground. The caves and fissures which had served as the shelters for nomads slowly grew into the labyrinthine underground cities known today.

While Drask settlements tend to be insular, the very largest of their City-states reached their present size in no small part due to conquest, mainly driven by desire for minerals and the need for access to more volcanic farms to feed growing populations. It is believed that the Drask have possessed laser weaponry technology for many centuries, and though the Drask are often slow to act, every city-state that participates in global affairs can recall numerous slaughters in the wars of expansion.

Drask were discovered in 2469 by a Nanotrasen exploratory vessel due to a course plotting accident. The vessel warped into the system by accident and its sensors immediately picked up signs of life on Hoorlm, These were reported back to NT, followed by a brief observation phase, and official First Contact in 2472.

Ever since, the Drask have been captivated by the promises that space travel holds. The wealthiest states see the promise of increasing their wealth and influence, and some ambitious individuals see the promise of stepping out of the shadow of their Elders, or escaping the crowded tunnels of the largest state, Viim-vaarooomunnm. Certain drask worked closely with NT, to the point of joint ventures on other worlds in their system, colonies belonging to two of the largest states were established on other cold worlds in their system (though most of these are under NT mining or research contracts to this day). While initially entirely dependent upon Nanotrasen for space travel, the Elders of the negotiating states were able to acquire engines and small spacecraft. At present, they have a small fleet that patrols their system, responsible for dealing with their colonies, which are controlled by a coalition of the three largest states, though they still heavily on Nanotrasen for space services. Small groups of Drask have gone on to build, purchase, or otherwise acquire their own ships, founding new communities in space.

Drask Culture

Drask, although drastically different from Humans and human-like species, share a similar social structure. Drask communities have grown over the years to large sizes, supporting up to a million individuals. Generally, a community is led by its oldest members, and the most powerful figures in Drask tend to have lived for thousands of years, by human standards. Drask tend to not form family-based bonds, as they quickly gain independence from their parents, but very often will form friendships regardless of age difference.

Though they never developed space travel on their own, the Drask have proven capable scientists. Their exceptional memory and capability for long lives make them capacious learners, and their technology at the time of their discovery was comparable to Humanity’s in the XXVIth century. Drask put much emphasis on self-improvement and obtaining proficiency in multiple disciplines. The Drask societies have no class system, as very often individuals responsible for simpler tasks are also educated to perform much more sophisticated ones, when their hands are needed elsewhere.

Since Drask are biologically immortal, due to their low birth and mortality rates, and due to their planet lacking a day-night cycle or seasons, they have a different concept of time than other species. On a societal level, they are slow to change (save for the necessities of advancing technology) and generally are not concerned with an afterlife. This is why, despite the long distance between many of their settlements, there is little difference between the dialects of their language. Similarly, religious beliefs tend to be much alike across their planet, which can mostly be described as a form of animism. Everything, living or inanimate, has a particular spirit, which coalesces from the general flow of the cosmos and dissolves back into that flow when that life or thing comes to an end, leaving a memory or imprint. Sometimes it is held that a newly formed spirit condensed from such a memory, allowing for a reincarnation of sorts (including from/into an inanimate object).

Traditionally, if any central figure exists in their belief systems, it is their planet itself, who (after self-fertilizing or being fertilized by the cosmos) birthed all life. This origin myth is tempered by advanced scientific understanding, being treated as more metaphorical and philosophical than literal. However, these beliefs are still not taken lightly, fostering a respect for nature, beauty, and things that are well-crafted. They also tend to treat their Elders with awe, since the Elders are the keepers of history and have survived through times of strife.

Such animistic beliefs also fostered the formation of cargo cults in the present day. Homeworld Drask culture (at least in the contacted settlements) has a tremendous obsession with getting into space, as getting offworld is seen as a sure path to personal success and wealth. Some go so far as to worship alien ships and artifacts, or to emulate (a sometimes misinformed version of) Human or Skrellian culture to a fanatical degree. However, some traditionalists see this as disrespectful, either to the planet that birthed them or to their own species' accomplishments (as despite not achieving spaceflight, the Drask reached a remarkable state of technological advancement before their discovery).

Present Day

While the population of Hoorlm is only around 600 million, the Drask have experienced a recent population boom in space due to the concept known as space homesteading. A spacecraft requires far less energy to be habitable for Drask than for most other species, and so those in space have found it economical to expand. However, the Drask still lack a central government, and so while these micro-colonies are numerous and scattered across known space, each exists as its own solitary entity, consisting of a single ship or station. In some regions, they are notorious for engaging in piracy.

As their largest political entity, the three-states coalition, controls little outside their home system, the Drask cannot be considered a major galactic actor. However, their labor is desirable for many applications, and Hoorlm’s influence on the galaxy isn’t entirely obscure. In particular, the metropolis of Umumvarr has become famous in recent times due to its cultural exports to the rest of the Galaxy. Mainly "Bollywood remakes" of famous stories from alien cultures (featuring all-Drask casts), but original media, including a rising new VR subgenre, has also emerged from there into the galactic entertainment industry.

Remember, knowledge, respect, and cooperation are the key tenets of success and productivity!

Существующие расы
Люди - Греи - Дионы - Киданы - КПБ - Плазмамены - Скреллы - Слаймомены - Таяраны - Юнати - Воксы - Вульпканины - Драски
Нестандартные расы
Нуклеации - Врины - Резоми