Руководство по факсам

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Допустим ты решил отправить факс на ЦК. В этом гайде указаны некоторые советы и нюансы по отправке факсов.

Что же такое факсы?

Факс - это бумажка которое отправлена куда-либо с одноимённого устройства на другое. Всё просто возьмите бумажку и напишите любой документ (в этом вам поможет это) и засуньте ваш документ в факс-машину, выберите пункт назначения и отправьте кнопкой "send". БУМ! Вы молодец!

Обычно факсы используют для связи между главами отделов, ведомственных проверок, жалоб персонала или даже приказов о понижении в должности/отстранении от занимаемой должности.НО для лучшего понимания этого гайда будем думать что мы отправляем факсы на ЦК.

Для начала узнаем где можно найти факс:

Факсы могут использоваться только членами командования и агентами внутренних дел. Остальному экипажу факс ограничен. Факсы очень важны для игры, так как хорошо написанные факсы могут как сломать кому-то раунд или наоборот сделать его более интересным.

Всё же вы хотите научиться писать факсы не так ли? Тогда обратимся к маленьким OOC заметкам.

Каждый факс, который вы отправляете Центральному командованию просматривает администрация. Они могут видеть - кто отправил, когда отправил и, конечно же, способны ответить на него. Факсы которые отправляются между отделами тоже просматривается администраторами, но только на предмет наличия нарушения правил в них. IC последствий от администрации в таком случае можно не ждать. Именно из-за всего этого, прежде чем отправлять факс на ЦК нужно трижды проверить его, а полученный ответ не должен быть проигнорирован.

Центральное командование (или NAS Trurl) является связующим звеном в своём секторе между объектами Nanotrasen. Центральное командование, формально, одновременно обрабатывает множество задач и следит за множеством объектов, включая вашу станцию. Когда вы отправляете факс на ЦК, вы, по сути, отправляете его одному из высших органов или должностных лиц. Ответы, полученные с центрального командования обязательно нужно рассматривать как окончательные и не пересматриваемые. Неподчинение такому факсу будет означать ваше фактическое увольнение.

Связь с центральным командованием, как уже было написано, может серьёзно повлиять на игру. Всякий раз, когда в командовании возникает нерешаемый спор, Центральное командование по факсу его разбирает (если же командование станции слишком часто обращается к ЦК, с целью разрешения спора, то может возникнуть подозрение в некомпетентности этих глав). Всякий раз, когда Магистрата игнорируют без уважительной причины, Центральное командование донесёт до нарушителей их проступок. Всякий раз, когда представитель обнаруживает серьезное нарушение СРП, центральное командование захочет узнать об этом.

Центральное Командование - Это не игрушка и не инструмент для вопроса по каждому пустяку на станции. Факс на ЦК никогда не должен использоваться как угроза, а также по факсу с ЦК никогда не стоит запрашивать вещей (у вас есть карго).


Заголовок, который вы даете вашему факсу - это первое, на что посмотрят, когда открывают панель факса (название самой бумаги, а не то, что внутри её). Вот пара вещей, которые не должны быть в заголовке вашего факса:

  • "paper";
  • текст полностью без заглавных букв;
  • Всякие мысли Сюн Дзы и Разумисткие наклонности и т.д;
  • "ЁБА5Н?Е СЕКУРИТИ!" или что-то подобное;
  • сканы жопы;

Ты понял суть. В идеале - заголовок вашего факса будет как можно более коротким и логичным, чтобы админы могли получить представление о том, что там будет, еще до того, как откроют его.


Go take a look at the very first sentence in this article.


BB Code denotes everything that can be used to format your text, just like in Microsoft Word or Wordpad. A few examples:

  • [hr] creates a neat little horizontal line that can be used to separate blocks of text;
  • [logo] creates a NanoTrasen logo;
  • [large] lets you shout in writing;
  • [b]insert bold text here[/b]

And many more. BB Code is quick to learn, if not to type, and it really adds flavour and substance to your faxes.

Why is this important, you ask? Well, bluntly put, your chances of getting a proper response go up the more formatted your fax is. Remember when I said you faxing Central Command would be like a US citizen faxing Barrack Obama? Well, what do you think would happen if Barack Obama received a piece of paper that wasn't signed, or stamped, and contained this message:

"Cant open Obamacare, please send IT."

A response, if it even existed, would most likely be them telling you to take your time to write a proper message. If you fax Central Command, it is expected that you're doing so with utmost professionalism, and that involves not sending a wall of text with absolutely no formatting whatsoever, no signature and no stamp.

The importance of signatures and stamps cannot be overstated. Why? Well, Central Command is not omniscient. Even though the Administrators can see (or find out) everything going on in the round, Central Command cannot. Faxing Central Command should not be like sending an Ahelp. Do not assume that Central Command "just knows". If you send us a fax with no signature and no stamp, how are we to know someone didn't just break into your office and faxed Central? Having a piece of paper signed and stamped by you tells us that you did, indeed, send the fax (or that someone at least is really good at forgeries), and you'll actually get a proper response.

As for the formatting itself, well, simply put, it's easier on the eyes, and it's prettier. Having to sit and stare at a gigantic wall of text that just keeps going without any sort of formatting whatsoever is painful, boring, and just looks sloppy. If you're taking the time to fax Central Command, take the time to make your faxes look official, and not a hastily scribbled note at the end of an exam.


Now we reach the crux of the matter. What you're actually telling Central Command.

Now, as stated before, faxes are supposed to be official communiqués, and are expected to be permeated with the utmost professionalism. This is because Central Command, in all their power, expects some level of sanity from the people they give fax machines to.

What does this mean? Well, consider the following: you're aboard a futuristic space station that can, among other things, create physics-defying handbags, harness electrical power from a contained black hole, craft heavily armed military mechs, and have clown VS mime showdowns.

Should you really be faxing Central Command to ask us to sentence a clown who slipped an officer?

Don't get me wrong, there are legitimate grievances to be had regarding IC behaviour. However, Central Command, being the final authority on pretty much anything, should only be contacted about important stuff and, most importantly, stuff that cannot be fixed ICly. This includes any situation where the relevant Head of Staff is ignoring SOP/Space Law and is refusing to actually address issues, forcing you to go over their head. If the situation can be handled internally, it should be. Speak to people, have reasonable discourses with them, and try and solve the situation then and there. If that fails, then get the fax machine.

In addition, for all that is holy, do not fax Central Command about Minor/Medium/Major sentences, or just absolutely inane complaints, like the clown slipping people. If you have access to a fax machine, you are expected to know Space Law. Not to mention, what do you expect us to do? Set the timer for you?

This goes for pretty much every complaint or investigation handled by whoever writes the fax. Central Command should only be contacted over staff complaints if:

  • The complaint is actually valid;
  • You have reasonable evidence backing it up;
  • Assuming a and b, the relevant Head of Staff isn't listening to you

Should all three conditions be met, a fax to Central Command would be the best course of action. If, however, the relevant Head of Staff is willing to cooperate with you, keep it internally. It adds to the overall level of RP and actually lets you do something against bad behaviour.

That said, sanity please. If you complain about Security manhandling prisoners when there's an active, hostile cult on the station, it's Code Red and there's an ERT on the field, you're most likely getting ignored/slammed down hard. Context is paramount.

When it comes to departmental audits or other similar investigations, having a detailed description of how every Department is doing will go miles towards grabbing attention to your message, will increase the chances of you getting a reply, and will generally make you feel incredibly useful. That said, don't go overboard and write a small novel detailing every last thing every last crewmember is doing. Keep it concise, keep it to the point, and note important details (such as a particularly good/bad crewmember) if needed.

Этикет в написании факсов

Oh boy, here we go. Most of this section will be OOC, and directed at the players, not the characters.

First off, respect. Central Command is not a toy, nor is it a tool. Central Command is not your stick to wield, and is not your weapon for when you want to comdom around and try and pretend you have authority you do not have. Central Command is, for all intents and purposes, your boss.

What I mean by this is that you shouldn't go around threatening to send faxes whenever you want to boss around people, or when you want to throw your weight around. This goes double for the IAAs and the Representative, who have no actual authority and are merely there as advisors/investigators. "I'MA GO FAX CC AND DEMOTE U" is a shitty attitude to have, and will most likely get you stonewalled by Central Command if you actually make good on your threats.

Do not make demands of Central Command. Do not fax us demanding to demote someone, or to promote someone else. You may suggest doing so, amidst a well detailed report with reasonable evidence and information to back up your suggestion. But never demand it. You wouldn't walk up to your boss and yell out "I want you to fire Jenkins this instant, he smells funny!", would you?

As for the tone, we do not expect you to remain detached and clinical (this isn't the SCP Foundation, after all, despite what the level of gruesomeness might imply), but we expect you to remain professional and formal. Don't speak to Central Command like you would to a coworker, but rather how you would speak with a company rep, or with Internal Affairs at an actual office. You won't get slammed in the face if you talk to Central Command like a schoolyard friend, but you most certainly will receive a poignant reminder of what's expected of you.

Do not keep sending the same fax over and over every few minutes in order to "bump" it. If you sent a fax that never got answered to, either the Administrators believed it wasn't worth a response, or they missed it (which is entirely possible, the fax notification on the chat box is hilariously easy to miss). A quick Ahelp fixes that, but please don't keep bwoinking us with "REPLY TO FAX PLOX" every few seconds.

Lastly, and to finish off this guide on a high note, no butts. Never fax butts. It is a time honoured tradition to BSA anyone who faxes butts to Central Command, and we do so love the sound of explosions. OF course, the less epic but equally funny method is to turn the sinner into a cluwne. Further faxes will result in increased punishment and even death.